wanted to post this two nights ago. but then I was too tired. every single cells of mine was aching. my urat belikat and tengkorok went kejung from a long drive. plus it's THAT time of the month. chuckles. slept in, even my parents wouldn't dare to disturb my beauty sleep. heaven!
long drive? me, mak and abah went to see ajib last saturday. yes in Tangkak, Johor. my first trip. I think. been to johor before. where exactly, don't have a clue. started early as we usualy do, around 7am, from Raub (I'm a certified driver for family trip these days). stopped for breakfast in Bentong. at Hajrah, our favourite. stuffed myself with two roti canai. yummy. continued on 'til tol Sg. Besi, stopped to do our little biz =P
it's actually not that far. KL - Tangkak, approximately one and a half hour (of driving over the speed limit). like, 130 - 140km/h. bwahaha. me likey. p/s to mak: expect a speeding ticket in the mail, in a month or two. grins. seriously, I marked the calendar. just in case the police guy I saw near Kajang exit caught me on his camera. abah's gonna kill me. he literally reminded me every five seconds! to slow down a little. did I listen? nooo. heck! jalan lurus beb. is cannot. orang lain eksiden bawak laju, wa eksiden bawak slow. camne? isk. mintak simpang. wa blum kawen lagi. kehek!
arrived at ajib's kolej around 11am. tok lebai tu ade kursus imam/tok siak (?) kami ingatkan dia join program tu. rupenye dia yang handle. adik wa ni kalo x jadi adun Raub nanti, xtau la. heh. lunch kat cafe/kantin kolej. anak² ikan sume pandang wa x puas ati siot. ape kes? am I that intimidating?
ajib setel, bawak dia kuar. checked in kat Ophir Hotel. 10 minutes from KMJ. we crammed into two-bedded room. with an extra bed and mattress (since there was four of us). quite a nice stay. not all that luxury. but clean, comfortable, affordable.
bandar tu sendiri, biasa je. not much of a difference between kampung sendiri. tapi pusing la cukup 360 darjah, kedai kain merata. ade la the store kalo nak shopping.
sunday morning, checked out, had breakfast, off to Melaka. as my abah said, tengok cucu lion. thats 'li' - 'on'. I called it, meredah. why? coz we didn't exactly remember the way to umah kak siti. it just happened that everytime I took a turn, or saw a sign, a building, or any landmarks - I was, "ohh, aritu ade lalu ni". "haa ingat ade nampak tu", "btul ade masuk simpang ni". and voila! umah kak siti, which looked different since the only time we've been there, was during merisik/tunang and nikah. sah² mase tu kawasan umah penuh ngan atap, meja, kerusi kan. x perasan la jugak.
nazmi, ya tuhan. tido lasak! itu keturunan. memang nak luas. xbleh bertilam, tergolek ke lantai. memang kuak lentang! kacau la macam mane pon. dia kata nak tido, nak tido la kan. xde nye peduli de =P lunched, reminiscing, sent ajib back to KMJ. 3.30pm stopped for solat, dropped ajib, and off for home.
ujan, road construction, traffic jam, accidents. tertanggu wa tau. ade lori, treller, masuk longkang. abih signboard exit Kajang. rasa nye tinggi kedudukan signboard tu. rompong! bayangkan kelajuan LORI tu. geleng kpale. sempat reply msg abg (kat tol, sebab benti queue bayar tol kan). with my (or abg's) enset condition, yang memerlukan kepakaran dan kesabaran yang tinggi untuk reply msg, xbleh nak baca msg sesuke ati. nanti ekciden, wa xmau jadi sebahagian dari statistik semata.
6.30pm, called abg, lepak kedai kat umah dia. tunggu ujan reda, solat kat umah dia, 9pm gerak balik Raub. renyai. abah pesan untuk 1081 kali nye, "xyah laju², ujan, jalan licin". xperlu pesan dah abah. kalo ade polis pon wa xrisau - the slowest I could ever go. wa was totally flat by that time, but abah have to work the next morning. so he could have the boss' seat, and I still wanted to drive us home. 10.40pm - home sweet home. alhamdulillah.
wa nampak tilam je. siang isnin tu mak tanye wa balik KL jugak ke petang nanti. wa dengar abah jawab, "xde nye balik tu. kakde tu letih lagi. jangan dikacau". mua a a a. wa suke btul kalo ade yang memahami ni. memang sungguh la x tertanggu langsung tido wa.
tapi ape la kisah nye teman seperchattan wa dengan ketidak-online-nan wa these couple of days. raises eyebrow.
Orange Rotation
6 hours ago
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