right. this is going to be my 'About Me'. sort of. will be updated from time to time. whenever I discover any hidden talent, or something new.
- my real name: Hanie Syafura. people call me Hanie, Syafura, Nani, Kakde and Kak Pura. haha!
- I am, most of the time, a Gemini. and Cancer, some other time. June 21st, 1984.
- lazybum, which simply can't be help.
- at home, I'm a devoted couch potato.
- I read fiction novel. crime & mystery/horror/fantasy.
- I love rock/metal/alternative music. but I do also enjoy all those nonsense pop stuff. basically, anything that suit and soothe my ears.
- despite my age, I still watch (and loving it!) cartoon/anime.
- I indulge in anything made of/with chocolate. drinks, cake, ice cream, and of course - chocolate itself. dark chocolate preferrably.
- I get bored easily.
- I have a habit of reading several books at a time. so I need to buy books in bulk (more like 3-4 books).
- I'm one of those who possess a high-level patience. I put up with people too much, that sometimes I do feel like being used. but hey, test my patience, face the consequences ;-)
- You'd probably won't see me throwing fits at anyone, since I'm the type that 'simpan dalam'. which cost me a great deal of tears and headache!
28 Fuzzy Feline Funnies for Instant Caturday Joy
2 hours ago
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