Monday 30 October 2006

Lie too much

my 2006 raya epic...

Oct 20:
mlm tuh wa ngan kakngah tido umah kaklong. altho', kakngah xla "tido". dia buat projek underground ;) tuh kene tanye kakngah =P sahur 4am kt bangsar (?) ngan dira. ke kak dira? *slmt berkenalan* :D

Oct 21:
masing² tido xbape cukup. kakngah la teruk, 2jam jek kot. tuh la, buat lg projek underground =P dlm 9am gerak dr tmpt kaklong menuju ke kg halaman. OKC dijalanan! OKC tu kaklong kata makne nye OZZA's Kelisa Club. cik keli kaklong, cik keli kakngah, cik keli wa. pergh! cam italian job wa ckp lu. ape lg kami membontoti kaklong kn. kaklong dia mmg buat jln tuh cam ade cop OZZA situ :D wa suke jek. bederet jek keta kami kan - silver/putih/silver. gile rapat², xkasi org overtake di antara kami =P

tunggu jon kt tol gombak. kalo italian job tu, dia dpt elak traffic kn. tp kami xterdaye la plak. lyn headbangin sbb jamming *muakakaka* sampai kt janda baik tu, lalu ikut jln lame. "iklan: ade segolongan chinese nih bwk BMW & MERC convertible. wa chop bmw itam tu ye!" jln lame lengang. mmg jd jln kami, cam xbiasa =P sampai bntg jon masuk hiway smule, kami meneruskn italian job kami.

start jamming smule dkt simpang mempaga, kot. wa pon bkn ingat ngat which is which. sume org nk blk kg kn, so ape salah nye kalo jln je tanpa memotong kn. driver² hak cerdik pandai nih, lalu kt bahu jln belah kiri. menyesakkan lg pon ade sbenarnye. sbb kt dpn nun nnt dia nk masuk smule kan. haa kaklong dgn bangga nya block bahu jln tuh. mule wa ingat dia nk ikut jugak lalu situ kn. dia belok, btul ke kiri, bile keta dpn stop dia pon stop. kakngah pon ngikut jugak. wa saje makin ke tgh. maka yg dikiri xdpt jln. yg motong di tgh, xbleh masuk dkt² kami jugak. miahamuahahahahaha

well, OKC mmg kejam. yg memotong tu lg kejam sbenarnye. lek la beb! sume org pon blk kg. kalo jln jek sebaris, kn lancar. pak polisi nye kebab. dh dkt smpg bkt fraser tu baru la muncul. baru la xde yg berani nk memotong kan.

1pm sampai umah. kaklong kakngah xjd buke same. kesilapan teknikal yg xdpt dielakkan. mase salam korg nk blah tuh, bergenang air mata wa tau! wa menci! tu sbb wa xmau slm sgt =P cis cis dan cis lg :'(

oleh sbb mak ngan kaklong liza dh start menyiput from 11am lg. wa sampai tu trus tolong la. wa jugak yg smangat nk buat kan. baru siap 2kilo. ade lg 2kilo blum bancuh. sok sahur mak bancuh n kami menyiput lg.

Oct 22:
wa bgn lewat =P mlm td tido lmbt. sahur gile meriah. ramai org kan. danial pon dh jaga masa sahur tu. wa bangga btul dpt ank sdare bgn awal dr mak sdare :D menyiput 2nd round. another 2kilo. mmg berdedikasi la wa arini. mak abah buat rendang. eiii sbb pose kn, mnahan jek la bau rendang nye, bau kueh siput nye *tsk tsk*

wa dh xrase ibu jari wa oleh sbb penyiputan secara extreme. ingat nk buat almond london. tp tinggal esok jek dh sblum raye. nk kemas sket umah.

Oct 23:
kemas umah?! jadah aram atuk dia cun la! =P jd ari berehat. mmg seharian xbuat ape pon. siap bleh tido lg. along naik umah pak mentua. thn nih turn raye belah kaklong liza nye.
bebuka, tamat la ramadhan. sayu dol. umah senyap sbb xde haikal ngan danial. pastu ade plak citer aide BERKEMUNGKINAN BESAR xblk sini *sob sob sreh* sumpah! wa nangis gile² nangis. siap main sms ngan kakngah sambil tu :D

sbenarnye kn wa nk call. tp wa rase korg dgr wa nangis jek dr wa beckp *tehee* pastu ingat nk mms, wa baru jek sebut 'calamacikum' - wa nangis!! bleh? *aduhh*

Oct 24:
raya!!!! 3am wa dh jaga. pusing kiri kanan, 5am wa dh mandi *brrr! cejuk!* mak, abah, abg, ajib pi smayang raye. wa konon nye xpi sbb teman kak ct la *hark ptuih* malas pi jek sbenarnye :D kami tgk sultan smayang raye kt tv =P tema baju raye wa thn nih? BERANI MATI! jeng jeng jeng! *miahamuahaha*

along sefamili trun skejap. kami bersalaman ank branak. cam biasa, wa aje la pon yg nangis xtentu pasal. wa: "slmt ari raye mak, nani mintak maap - sob sob srehhh!". mak: "mak tau, awk tu nakal". SAMBIL GELAK dia ckp?! cis cis dan cis lg. kita punye la emo! *tsk tsk* abih mekap wa =P siap², along blah. kami pon blah pi blk karak.

umah wan, umah wan alang, umah wan ngah, umah wan de. pehh! sebu perot wa mkn lemang + rendang. mmg seharian xjumpe nasik biasa la! blk ptg tu mmg melepek. ngantuk + letih. mlm konon nye nk naik umah pakcik derus. abg, kak ct ngan ajib jek pi.

Oct 25:
ari kami menanti di umah. ari ujan. ujan rahmat. sbb bdk² xdpt dtg beraye *miahamuahaha* kalo x, kejap.. "salamekom!". jap lg, "salamekom!". xsampai 5min lg, "salamekom!". huh!

chu ani singgah umah. sedih jek, chu him dh xde :( pastu, teka sape sampai? *teng teng teng* moi beloved cousins! *peluk ciums* tanpa aide. makde jek ngan kaklong, kakngah, epit, anis. aide nih kn, wa majuk baru tau. xmau blk ktn pasni bleh? tp kalo aide buat rendang, wa baru blk *akakaka* :D

yg mnarik, wa x 'kebanjiran' tatkala memeluk makde *tgn kt dagu* kemajuan tuh! sbb dh bengkak mata mlm raye sensorg kn. puas la kot =P maklong ghiyut singgah jugak, tau makde ade sini. ujan kt luar, kt dlm pon "ujan" *geleng kpale*

yg paling sensasi - jon dtg?! yg paling kontroversi - jon panggil abah, "abah"?! wa suspek siot. cam wa kata dlm sms wa kt kakngah: hokme kalo xjd jugak, wa plak ganti aide - majuk xmau blk raub. bleh?

dlm 3.30pm gitu kot, abg ngan kak ct blk mlk. sume pon blk gak. wa baru ingat bleh duk lepak kn. tiba² makde dah ngan along faizal sampai. penuh perut wa merasa air nescafe jek 1ari nih *burppp*

Oct 26:
xde pe best pon. org karak dtg umah. aki alang, wan ngah, serta ahli kluarga yg wa xkenal sape *miahamuahaha* baru raye ke-3 wa dh durhaka *geleng kpale*

belah ptg pi umah mak ndak. langkah kanan kami siot! niat nk beraye jek. skali abg wan nye ade buat mkn². alhamdulillahhhh!

Oct 27:
ajib eksiden, bleh? saje jek cari glemer jd sebahagian drpd statistik =P ngan merc plak tuh! high taste siot! highhhh jugak blood pressure mak wa *geleng kpale*

teruk xteruk la kn. angka 8 la jugak tayar motor tu :D ajib nye lebam² sket, hadi selaku pembonceng kt blakang - TERBANG to the other side of the car. wa dpt byg kn. ala² citer hollywood la *tsk tsk*

bile dia citer blk slps kejadian tuh, mmg wa gelak guling². aiii la korg nih kn!

Oct 28:
"ehem²" singgah umah. diskus hal mummy monster. blum habih lg aa =P along blk kmaman dkt² noon - kata nk beli hoodie utk nani. mane nye?!

pastu mak ndak ank branak singgah. uihhh mmg teman seper-umpatan mak la tuh *jgn la sape² ajar mak ndak ngan MAK WA lyn frenster* =P riuh la kejap. ank abg wan yg sulong tu, geram jek wa nk picit². bagai dipam²!

abg wan tanye ngape plat keta wa 'K'. "ke ade kwn org kedah ni?" - cet! soklan xrelevan :D

Oct 29:
td pi anta ajib blk muazam. ikut bera. wa tension btul la jln tu. tp td sempat singgah tasik bera. xde la selawa yg disangka, gaye tasik kt tmn bkt koman tu jek =P kot tiba² berenang jek anaconda kan *tgk tv byk sgt* makde tanye xsinggah ktn ke. sob sob srehhh! lain kali ye makde ye.

jln ngale ke kolumpo jamming siot! tp xla sejamming biasa. takat beratur jek. org dh ramai blk awal kot. kt bntg wa kasi abah drive. blakang tengkorok wa dh keras. sampai umah 10pm mmg wa nmpk tilam jek dh. sempat tgk robots 15min gitu, pastu robots tgk wa. sedar² boogeyman tgh menjerit². budusss! kuuu semangat! tekejut tau *tsk*

mak abah dh bgn sahur. wa pose nxt week la. pose kt umah byk dugaan *miahamuahaha* sambung tido jap bleh? sok kakngah, awk online la sensorg ek. wa konpem membuta xhengat donia...


Don't hear, don't deem.
Drown in before you dive.
Don't care, commit to your self destruction drive.
I kiss the ground with love beyond forever
Flip off the sky with bleeding fingers till I die

Enemy, take a one good look at me.
Eradicate what you'll always be
Your tainted flesh, polluted soul through a mirror I behold.
Throw a punch, shards bleed on the floor
Tearing me apart but I don't care anymore.
Should I regret or ask myself ARE YOU DEAD YET?

Wake up, don't cry.
Regenerate to deny the truth,
The fiction you live in blindfold your eyes.
Disclosure, self loathing.
This time you've gone too far.
Or could it be, my nemesis that you are me?

Enemy, take a one good look at me.
Eradicate what you'll always be
Your tainted flesh, polluted soul through a mirror I behold.
Throw a punch, shards bleed on the floor
Tearing me apart but I don't care anymore.
Should I regret or ask myself ARE YOU DEAD YET?

Wednesday 18 October 2006

But you insist that I don't exist

bleh? tehee...


If you feel, so empty so used up,
so let down, if you feel,
so angry, so ripped off,
so stepped on,
youre not the only one,
refusing, to back down,
youre not the only one, so get up!

Lets start a riot, a riot lets start a riot,
lets start a riot, a riot, lets start a riot,

if you feel, sofilthy so dirty, so fucked up
if you feel, so walked on, so hateful, so pissed off,
youre not the only one, refusing, to back down,
youre not the, only one, so get up!

Lets start a riot, a riot lets start a riot
lets start a riot, a riot lets start a riot...

if you feel, so empty, so used up, so let down
if you feel, so angry, just get up!

Sunday 15 October 2006

Every breath leaves me one less to my last

umi nih nk kene blasah. xjd pi kasitau la 5jam awal. seb baik wa baru lps tol sg. besi. kalo x, mmg wa naik umah blasah awk dulu baru wa blk =P

blk merempit :D ngantuk sbenarnye. jgn sok² sampai saman jek dh. ade 1 roadblock kt exit tol bntg. kt lee rubber 1, pastu kt slekoh maut jln baru *lori slalu parking tuh* potong stim daa. jauh skit sambung smule kan *miahamuahaha*

sampai umah, abah ngecat pintu. aisyoo! wa pening siot! kn dh ade odourless paint skang *ako mustapa tehee* apesal xpakai?! sampai skang bau! lemas.. lemas...


in the sunlight of your smile
in the summer of our life
in the magic of love
storms above scattered away
lovers dreaming in the night
reaching for paradise
but as the dark shadows fade
love slips away
on an empty stretch of beach
in the pattern of the waves
drawing pictures with my hand
in the sand, I see your face
skipping pebbles on the sea
wishing for Paradise
sand castles crumble below
the restless tides ebb and flow
listening to a shell
hoping for your voice
beautiful Maria of my soul
though we'll always be apart
locked forever in a dream
if I ever love again
even then, nothing will change
and the taste of you remains
clinging to Paradise
but as the distance from you grows
all that my heart ever knows
hunger for your kiss
longing for your touch
beautiful Maria of my soul
filling all my nights
haunting all my days
beautiful Maria of my soul

Saturday 14 October 2006

Cold to how you feel

baru blk kuar mkn ngan kakngah. pi mcd bdr utama *24hrs ok* =P ramai org dol! dh tgh² mlm. ingatkn kami jek. mengurangkn pahle pose kami sampai kul 1am. pastu blah :D uptown kn dh tuka tmpt. kakngah xtau ktner. kalo x, bleh gak kami jenjln. nvm, nxt time. mcm xbiasa *miahamuahaha*

siang nnt nk pi jln tar plak. BWK kakngah pi cari baju raye. wa baru tau jon xsuke jln tmpt² camtu. sesak. wa pon xsuke. tp tuh la syurga baju raye =P sok kalo dh sampai MLM RAYE baru nk cari baju? gedeboih la *akakaka* dia sendiri pon mls bejln sbenar nye. sok silap² dh jumpe yg dkt, capai jek =P

agak² kedai cd dlm campble sok bukak awal x? mintak² la bukak! aminnnn...


I can't escape this hell
So many times I've tried
But I'm still caged inside
Somebody get me through this nightmare
I can't control myself

So what if you can see
The darkest side of me
No one would ever change this animal I have become
Help me believe,
It's not the real me
Somebody help me tame this animal (this animal x's 2)

I can't escape myself
So many times I've lied
But there's still rage inside
Somebody get me through this nightmare
I can't control myself

So what if you can see
The darkest side of me
No one would ever change this animal I have become
Help me believe,
It's not the real me
Somebody help me tame this animal I have become
Help me believe,
It's not the real me
Somebody help me tame this animal

Somebody help me through this nightmare
I can't control myself
Somebody wake me from this nightmare
I can't escape this hell

This Animal

Wednesday 11 October 2006

But I'm still caged inside

lame xjumpe maRk. td kuar ngan dia pi midv. 8.45pm jemput kt lrt U. midv pon ala² nk tutup kn. kami xlama pon. masuk tower records dulu *sahur mkn cd* pastu maRk beli sluar jeans. wa nk gak! xpe, nxt week ye maRk! hoh nk cari tudung lg kan?! *adei*

dkt kul 10 gitu - kedai² pon dh tutup², kami pon blah. sambil anta maRk blk singgah mcd jln phg. peh! sudah tuka ka? wa dh xkenal isi mcd tuh. betapa lamenye xsinggah situ. lame gak la lepak situ. mkn, ngumpat, menyelampit, mkn lg, ngumpat lg. kul 12 jugak la baru kami gerak.

blk td saje wa drive slow². sronok rupenye. walopun jerebu kn. sunyi, aman jek. bile kene time nye la. kalo time jam, xde nye aman de =P 1.15am wa sampai umah - parking dkt ngan pakgad dh penuh! cis! bln pose ni sume org baik plak. kalo x, ni la time paling afdhal diorg nk kuar.

ngantuk. tp lps subuh kang la baru tido. sok bkn ade klas pon. td kakngah cuti, tinggal kn wa sensorg terkontang-kanting. haa sok wa plak mengontang-kanting kan dia *bm wa 4 jek aritu* :D majuk dh ibu nih, umi...


I'm looking at you through the glass,
don't know how much time has passed
Oh God it feels like forever,
but no one ever tells you that
Forever feels like home,
sitting all alone inside your head...
Cause I'm looking at you through the glass,
don't know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever,
but no one ever tells you that
Forever feels like home,
sitting all alone inside your head...

How do you feel?
That is the question...
But I forget you don't expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes initialized and folded up like
Paper dolls and little notes, you can't expect a bit of hope
And while you're outside looking in,
describing what you see
Remember what you're staring at is me

Cause I'm looking at you through the glass,
don't know how much time has passed
All I know is that it feels like forever,
but no one ever tells you that
Forever feels like home,
sitting all alone inside your head...

How much is real?
So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins contaminating everything
We thought came from the heart - but never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises - null and void instead of voices
Before you tell yourself
It's just a different scene
Remembering is just different from what you've seen

And it's the stars, the stars that shine for you
And it's the stars, the stars that lie to you
And it's the stars, the stars that shine for you
And it's the stars, the stars that lie to you

I'm looking at you through the glass,
don't know how much time has passed
Oh God it feels like forever, but no one ever tells you that
Forever feels like home,
sitting all alone inside your head

Monday 9 October 2006

I don't believe in fairytales

pd korg² yg duk umah sewa kan. INGAT² LA KT TENANT YG LAIN WOI! hokme ingat, hokme jek duk sorg kt situh?! *isk isk isk* sorg bdk umah wa nih kn. rasenye dlm bilik tu dia sorg jek duduk. tp kalo letak pinggan mangkuk kotor kt dlm sink, mcm 1 kg dia jamu. pastu tinggal kt situ sminggu. clogging the sink la, dtg semut la, bau la. haa aritu, wa angkut sume letak bwh sink. arini pon wa angkat gak lg, letak pinggan mangkuk tuh bwh sink. esok luse? jgn ingat hangin mak tu xturun kt wa. wa humban satu² pinggan, mangkuk, periuk belanga minah tuh - dr tingkat 10 nih. tgk la. wa penah jerit 1umah sbb org amik slipa wa jek. ape jd? 5min kendian wa dpt slipa tuh. out of nowhere, muncul jek =P xcaye tanye maRk :D

moral of the story: jgn ingat wa senyap, wa akan "senyap" sampai bile².

enough ranting. weekend blk ktn ngan kakngah n jon. PANA siot! apesal? tanye jon *geleng kpale* dlm kul 8 wa gerak dr sini. niat nk pi midv nk cari brg. tiba² kakngah call, training kempo dia kensel. nk blk trus. cis! wa xmkn lg tau sbenarnye waktu tuh. so wa drive-thru mcd same kita reunion. kebetulan abg kaunter kita tuh jugak yg jage *adeih!* salah timing dol! dia sengih jek. abg kaunter: "2 large fries jek kak?" ekeke org nk cpt nih, bleh plak xcukup duit kertas. "duit syiling bleh kak?", "hee buat gayut ye" - hutaks lu mat! lapa nih, pronto! isk isk. tp sbb dia comel kn =P

dlm 9.45pm kot dr kl, sampai ktn midnight. anis xtido lagi! =P aide ade buat rendang ayam. dan oleh karena kakngah boikot ayam, wa jek la yg mentekedarah sepuas²nye :D burrppp!! mekacihhh maaf aide =) pastu ade pengat pisang lg! fuhh!

xde ape la pon kan. mummy xblk, keje la konon *wa nk durhaka lg nih kaklong. masuk buku! - tgk kalendar* lps keje? betenet? miahamuahaha. walopun kl tu jauh kaklong, kami tetap merasai aura² pertenetan tuh :D

dgr bdk² nih menyakat anis sampai tejerit terlolong. bukak "kelab judi islam" pukul 2pg *astaghafirullahhhh*

td 7am dh blk smule kl. kakngah grading kempo 10am. ha peciter kempo awk? sempat? I told you so. awk xcaye kita akan lmbt. degil! kakngah tido sepanjang jln. wa xtido, sbb jon ikut jln lame. wa dh lame xlalu jln tuh. wa rindu =)

lapa + ngantuk = mkn and then tido! muahaha...


Lost in the sky
Clouds roll by and I roll with them
Arrows fly
Seas increase and then fall again

This world is spinning around me
This world is spinning without me
Every day sends future to past
Every breath leaves one less to my last

Watch the sparrow falling
Gives new meaning to it all
If not today nor yet tomorrow then some other day

I'll take seven lives for one
And then my only father's son
As sure as I ever did love him
I am not afraid

This world is spinning around me
The whole world keeps spinning around me
All life is future to past
Every breath leaves me one less to my last

Pull me under
Pull me under
Pull me under
I'm not afraid
All that I feel is honor and spite
All I can do is to set it right

Dust fills my eyes
Clouds roll by and I roll with them
Centuries cry
Orders fly and I fall again

This world is spinning inside me
The whole world is spinning inside of me
Every day sends future to past
Every step brings me closer to my last

Pull me under
Pull me under
Pull me under
I'm not afraid
Living my life too much in the sun
Only until your will is done

Oh that this too, too solid flesh would melt

Friday 6 October 2006

Our days are never coming back

mlm nih (kalo ikut jam skang, dh kira semlm la) adalah detik² bersejarah bg mereka² yg terlibat. fakta penting: kejadian ni hanya dpt kami lalui setelah - along (30thn), abg (28thn), kaklong (27thn), kakngah (23thn) dan wa (22thn) idop kt dunia nih =P *lagu latar blakang - ala² kitaro. bersejarah nye pasal kan* heh :D

ape dia?! kami kuar, mkn beramai², adik bradik sahaja *isk isk* begitu bersejarah sampai wa rase nk menitis air mata =P sape plan? along.. ALONG.. A.L.O.N.G. R.I.Z.A.L!!! *jeling kalendar, tgk bile ari raye*

citer dia gini. tiba² siang td dlm ym abg invite masuk conference *tebiat ke ape* dh la online tp offline. mcm gile private & confidential cara dia invite *tehee* rupenye nk ckp along ajak kuar mkn mlm. kalo bebuke, xsempat. masing² blk dr tmpt keje kan. kami² ni agak terkesima la kejap kan *mintak² la along XKAN lyn frenster sampai bile²* =P plan punye plan, setel - mcd sg besi, petronas, 11pm.

wa pi sorg, along sorg, abg sorg (baru blk dr gym), kaklong ngan kakngah (blk dr kempo). siap bwk kamera nih! once in a lifetime experience nih mmg kena kenang sampai bila²! dan spt jangkaan - kami buat mcd tuh mcm "kami yg punye" *miahamuahaha* wa rase kn, brader kaunter mcd tu pon pening ngan kami *geleng kpale*

along ngan abg blanje kn. ape lg, order la sesuka perut masing²! biasa jek la tp. mkn buke td x hadam abih lg.

mcd tuh kan xla besar sgt. jd bile kami² yg besar nih beckp + gelak kan. astaghafirullahhhh! ya Allah ya Allah ya Tuhannnnn! nih bkn tahap family ceria, dh kritikal. family huru hara!! silap² pasnih ade tampal muke kami kt dpn pintu - dilarang masuk *kuakuakua* aduh la. senak pankreas wa gelak tau.

kakngah plak wa pon xpaham le apesal. excited sgt kot, sampai lupe sume mende >:) bagi bahse isyarat pon, xkena dgn objek. kalo la blog nih ade video blog. wa tunjuk satu² ape yg dia buat ^_^ hee slmt ari raye kakngah!

dh abih seround mkn, beli lg air 2. borak + gelak = dahaga. sambung lg. dr satu, ke satu mende citer. hak sirius black, hak gelak pecah kpala. sedar² dh dkt 1am. except for wa kn, diorg nih kene bgn keje. wa lps subuh tido pon xpe *xyah lyn kakngah dlm ym* O_o maka kami besurai la sudah.

wa xtau la org lain, tp wa hepi sgt dpt jumpe camtu. walopun skejap jek. dh besar² ni kan, baru la rase. kalo lame xjumpe ke kan. mase kecik² dulu xamik kesah. last year nye puasa ade plan nk buke same ramai². along gak la pon yg ajak nye. tp xde sape yg berkesempatan.

ckp pasal puasa. kaklong, kakngah, ajak aide blk raye nih ye. wa kemas bilik bwh tu, semata utk diorg. wa buat kueh siput byk²! print jgn xprint =P wa nk ckp ngan dia sendiri wa xbrani *heh* kalo wa nangis dpn dia ajak blk, agak² di lyn? xpon wa suh ratu airmata kita kt umah tuh call suh blk :D

dh² xbleh panjang². 4am kang router padam. xsempat plak post menda alah nih. mintak² ada masa lg nnt, kita kumpul lg ramai². wa mean sirius black nye ramai - the whole family. in the mean time, sbb puasa pon lame lg xbleh la ucap slmt raye dulu. so slmt menyempurnakan puasa lg 17 ari, insyaAllah...


I never understood before
I never knew what love was for
My heart was broke, my head was sore
What a feeling

Tied up in ancient history
I didnt believe in destiny
I look up you're standing next to me
What a feeling

What a feeling in my soul
Love burns brighter than sunshine
Brighter than sunshine
Let the rain fall, i don't care
I'm yours and suddenly you're mine
Suddenly you're mine and it's brighter than sunshine

I never saw it happening
I'd given up and given in
I just couldn't take the hurt again
What a feeling

I didn't have the strength to fight
suddenly you seemed so right
Me and you
What a feeling

What a feeling in my soul
Love burns brighter than sunshine
It's brighter than sunshine
Let the rain fall, I don't care

I'm yours and suddenly you're mine
Suddenly you're mine

It's brighter than the sun
It's brighter than the sun
It's brighter than the sun, sun, shine.

Love will remain a mystery
But give me your hand and you will see
Your heart is keeping time with me

What a feeling in my soul
Love burns brighter than sunshine
t's brighter than sunshine
Let the rain fall, I don't care
I'm yours and suddenly you're mine
Suddenly you're mine