pd korg² yg duk umah sewa kan. INGAT² LA KT TENANT YG LAIN WOI! hokme ingat, hokme jek duk sorg kt situh?! *isk isk isk* sorg bdk umah wa nih kn. rasenye dlm bilik tu dia sorg jek duduk. tp kalo letak pinggan mangkuk kotor kt dlm sink, mcm 1 kg dia jamu. pastu tinggal kt situ sminggu. clogging the sink la, dtg semut la, bau la. haa aritu, wa angkut sume letak bwh sink. arini pon wa angkat gak lg, letak pinggan mangkuk tuh bwh sink. esok luse? jgn ingat hangin mak tu xturun kt wa. wa humban satu² pinggan, mangkuk, periuk belanga minah tuh - dr tingkat 10 nih. tgk la. wa penah jerit 1umah sbb org amik slipa wa jek. ape jd? 5min kendian wa dpt slipa tuh. out of nowhere, muncul jek =P xcaye tanye maRk :D
moral of the story: jgn ingat wa senyap, wa akan "senyap" sampai bile².
enough ranting. weekend blk ktn ngan kakngah n jon. PANA siot! apesal? tanye jon *geleng kpale* dlm kul 8 wa gerak dr sini. niat nk pi midv nk cari brg. tiba² kakngah call, training kempo dia kensel. nk blk trus. cis! wa xmkn lg tau sbenarnye waktu tuh. so wa drive-thru mcd same kita reunion. kebetulan abg kaunter kita tuh jugak yg jage *adeih!* salah timing dol! dia sengih jek. abg kaunter: "2 large fries jek kak?" ekeke org nk cpt nih, bleh plak xcukup duit kertas. "duit syiling bleh kak?", "hee buat gayut ye" - hutaks lu mat! lapa nih, pronto! isk isk. tp sbb dia comel kn =P
dlm 9.45pm kot dr kl, sampai ktn midnight. anis xtido lagi! =P aide ade buat rendang ayam. dan oleh karena kakngah boikot ayam, wa jek la yg mentekedarah sepuas²nye :D burrppp!! mekacihhh maaf aide =) pastu ade pengat pisang lg! fuhh!
xde ape la pon kan. mummy xblk, keje la konon *wa nk durhaka lg nih kaklong. masuk buku! - tgk kalendar* lps keje? betenet? miahamuahaha. walopun kl tu jauh kaklong, kami tetap merasai aura² pertenetan tuh :D
dgr bdk² nih menyakat anis sampai tejerit terlolong. bukak "kelab judi islam" pukul 2pg *astaghafirullahhhh*
td 7am dh blk smule kl. kakngah grading kempo 10am. ha peciter kempo awk? sempat? I told you so. awk xcaye kita akan lmbt. degil! kakngah tido sepanjang jln. wa xtido, sbb jon ikut jln lame. wa dh lame xlalu jln tuh. wa rindu =)
lapa + ngantuk = mkn and then tido! muahaha...
Lost in the sky
Clouds roll by and I roll with them
Arrows fly
Seas increase and then fall again
This world is spinning around me
This world is spinning without me
Every day sends future to past
Every breath leaves one less to my last
Watch the sparrow falling
Gives new meaning to it all
If not today nor yet tomorrow then some other day
I'll take seven lives for one
And then my only father's son
As sure as I ever did love him
I am not afraid
This world is spinning around me
The whole world keeps spinning around me
All life is future to past
Every breath leaves me one less to my last
Pull me under
Pull me under
Pull me under
I'm not afraid
All that I feel is honor and spite
All I can do is to set it right
Dust fills my eyes
Clouds roll by and I roll with them
Centuries cry
Orders fly and I fall again
This world is spinning inside me
The whole world is spinning inside of me
Every day sends future to past
Every step brings me closer to my last
Pull me under
Pull me under
Pull me under
I'm not afraid
Living my life too much in the sun
Only until your will is done
Oh that this too, too solid flesh would melt
Orange Rotation
7 hours ago
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