Tuesday 29 May 2007

I'm my own worst enemy...

...no doubt about it.

kelmarin buat teh. pekat. pada yg blum tau, kesan teh pekat same ngan nescafe. xbleh tido. ampeh! nak marah sape? wa sendiri yang buat. coih. long story short - wa xtido la mlm nye kan. siang semlm xde jugak ngantuk. sampai la time kene layan kakngah. time tu mmg "ngantuk" gile. mua a a a. kot tido siang pon, nanti mlm xmau tido plak lg kan. semlm mmg mlm begitu pendek untuk wa. 10pm je wa dah terbungkang. cam pompuan! gile awal. isk.

oh ye. pada yang tiba² rajinnn la sgt masak tu konon nye, jgn gaul lada ngan tgn. bare hands. ee... ouch! sirius black rasa mcm nak siat kulit ni, letak tepi dulu. bleh? pastu ayam yang kononnye diperap ngan lada ni td, sket pon xpedas. ampes! tgn wa dah kurus tau!

arini kene balik raub. raub? wa ingat lagi ke jalan pulang? ihiks! dah sebulan wa xbalik. not that big of deal. tapi untuk wa yang jenis, weekend je balik. ade cuti sehari, tengah minggu ni, balik jugak. tiba² sebulan xjumpe umah? tapi balik kejap je. jadi seketari mak =P semlm sempat lagi ngumpat dgn abg. abg? ngumpat pasal mak? mau terbakar dan² tu jugak. seb baik le x kan. haha.

and congrats to abg syakirin and kak yana. proud new parents to a healthy baby girl, may 28, 4.02pm, 3.33kg. excited nye ramai anak sedara!

Saturday 26 May 2007

Are you lost in your lies?

am I?

Title: Minutes To Midnight (Album)
Artist: Linkin Park
So, I couldn't get myself to hate LP, after all. They are THE band for me. My first love of loud music. My first taste of rock - no, not really. That would be Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Cromok, Sepultura, Metallica - when I was 8-9 years old. Back then, everytime I heard them blaring out from my bro's room, I'd yell "bising la along!" =P Now now. Back on LP. It took a while for their new tunes to finally grow on me. So it's true. They wanted to get away from the rap metal sound and adapted more of rock/ballad (?) style - the type that you could easily sing along. Lyrically, they've gone a bit political and touched on what's been happening around the world. Mike Shinoda MC-ed only on two tracks. Did a clean-vocal singing. Which, to me, not a great move. And you could barely hear Mr. Hanh's sampling. Yet, you'd unmistakably recognized the "LP sound". The album is just over 40 minutes. Consists of 12 tracks (where, first track, 'Wake' is a short no-vocal-song). I called these two track, 'Given up' and 'Bleed It Out', my happy songs. I'd go "clap-clap-clap" like crazy, and switched to my happy-mood in an instance =) There's a U2's 'With or Without You' vibe to the 'Shadow Of The Day' track. An energy/spirit lifting, drum-attack intro on 'No More Sorrow'. A notable-but-not-so-great solo on song titled 'In Pieces'. And the final track, 'The Little Things Give You Away' really gives a closure to the album. Just nice.
source: moi.

Monday 21 May 2007

Hope decays

what the..? and why? I find myself wondering about it too.

abg bleh jadi penternak lipas paling berjaya. besar ciot! mengalahkan lipas madagascar yang sah² jenisnye besar tu kan. aduhhh tertanggu wa tau! 2 ekor! DUA! nmpk 1 je wa dah gile. 2?! I might as well just admit moi-self to the nearest psychiatric ward. bleurghh!

semlm ajak maRk tido sini. umah abg. sesuke suki wa kan. ampun abg. ajak pawie ngan esah. bebdk 2ekor tu saje mempermainkan perasaan kami. huh.

layan af ngan maRk. bleh? maRk xcaya wa layan. wa lagi xcaya wa layan. kakngah pon mempermainkan perasaan wa. dah senyappp sampai ke sudah tu kan, tau la mmg xde nye dtg nye de. wa nak majuk plak bleh? kena la call wa kan. pastu wa majuk lagi, tunggu blanje makan. menarik.

tadi siang pi midvalley. akhirnye ade hak ber2 tu. mmg midvalley tu kami yg punye. paling best, I BOUGHT LP'S MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT. yay. sebab wa majuk ngan awk kan kakngah, awk punye postpone. tunggu wa kumpul duit lagi baru beli yg awk plak. mua a a a.

ngantuk awal plak. semlm tido 7am. ape kes? buat teh pekat. jangan ingat nescafe je bleh buat tahan ngantuk. tapi trauma wa blum ilang. wa yang mati ni kang, bau ridsect. tsk.

melanun la dulu.

Friday 18 May 2007

You don't know a thing about my sins

mlm tadi umi saje mentanggu wa. bwk anis dtg. dah la kejap je. huh. kejap² pon sempat la jugak kan =P

baby dah blk melaka semlm. wa masih kat umah abg. got the house all to myself. evil grin. parti buih? dah ckp kat abg, pesan kat makcik sebelah. kalo nmpk buih kuar kat pintu umah, jgn terkejut. mua a a a. bleh? astaga!

dah buat plan layan af final ramai². wa? af? sebab dah tgk dari awal. lagi pon abg bkn ade movie channel. isk. kakngah join? xnak tido sini pon xpe la. kita tgk af je. abih blk la.

wa rasa kesaorangan. ape kes? bkn xbiasa duk sorang. sini lawaeh skit kot. kalo kat cyberjaya kot sorang, wa tau serumah tu ade org lain. lawaeh = luas. arwah tuk umah je yang slalu ckp camtu.

Tuesday 15 May 2007


bin Mohd Nizam. 11.45am. 15 May 2007. 3.5kg. ramai la askar kita. anis la jugak sorang bunga nye.

<<-edited: May 16, 2007 1.32 am->>

percubaan menjadi 'ibu tunggul'. dan berjaya!

nenek dan atuk yg excited to receive another grandson =)

muhammad nur nazmi. born May 15, 2007. 11.45am. 3.5kg.

ubat batuk cap IBU DAN ANAK.

<<-edited: May 16, 2007 1.32 am->>

Monday 14 May 2007

It seems you're somewhere far away

sakit kepala.

ajib dah masuk matrik. akhirnya. kolej matrik johor. tangkak. isk. jauh. wa is gonna lindu him cangat² lancung². sob sob sreh! pi semlm. mak abah anta. wa xikut. saje gatal. lepas bertolak dari raub, singgah jap umah abg. jumpe la sblum pi konon. adeh. masa babai dia wa tahan nangis je. berjaya! hmm.

kak siti's due today. dah masuk hospital. tapi blum bersalin lagi. la ni wa je jadi jaga kat umah abg. mak abah dari tangkak tadi, terus pi ampang putri. mak ayah kak siti pon ade kata nye. wa siang tadi pi dah kejap. kot pi skang ni bkn buat ape pon. duk menjaga jugak. hospital tu sendiri ade jaga. xperlu wa menyemakkan keadaan =P

goreng daging. goreng bodo je. ade kuah sikit. lebih air daging tu kan campur sos tiram. ajib suke wa masak camtu. isk. tapi tiba², masin. org kata buat benda masin, nak kawen. wahak! ye ke? ke tu tanda wa jarang ke dapur? heh. is cannot! tu specialty wa. nak kawen la tu. bwahaha!

Friday 11 May 2007

Why do all good things come to an end

and now my handphone plak majuk ngan wa. sebab dah berangan nak yg lain kan. skrin blank. putih. suci. murni. abg: "ke awak mmg letak wallpaper kaler putih?". blasah kang! function sume elok. cume xnmpk la kan. tsk! cayammm ciot! ni la handphone 1st beli sendiri. March 2005. 2 tahun. kira lama gak jadah haram ni tahan, especially in the hand of clumsy ol' moi. wa dropped it 1 too many times, I guess. ACCIDENTALLY. and I blame kakngah for that. mua a a a. ha la kan. sambil drive main msg ngan dia. letak la phone atas riba. bile kuar keta, xperasan phone ade atas riba. bangun je, ade benda tergolek. aduh! wa rasa nak tergolek skali. bleh?

abg still at work. 10.00pm? yes. bak kata dia la, twin tower tu tutup kalo dia xpi keje. kak ct dah xsedap perut. baby dah xsabar nak kuar. hehe.

eh? ade iklan sinaran pasport kegemilangan. sudah² la buat pertandingan macam tu. industri muzik mesia ni dah sesak, semak, tercemar, senang citer xbest la. last² sume jadi pengacara program yg ngabih kan duit penonton jugak.

wa meraban sensorang dalam ni pon, benda² tu tetap jalan gak kan =P

Wednesday 9 May 2007

Dry your tears

been watching reruns. one after another. pretty boring night.

Title: The Book of Lost Things (Fiction/Mystery)
By: John Connolly
David, a loner, lost his mother at a tender young age. He loves his story books, as his mother once did. After a while, his father found himself a new wife - Rose. Apparently, the nurse who helps tended David's mother. And later new half-brother, little Georgie. One day, books around him starts to talk. With each other, to him. And there's this creepy looking thing, The Crooked Man. And David found out there's a doorway for him to run from this world, to the other world - his own fairytale land. The story of David's life is based on the author own growing up experiences. I love how some of the famous/known fairy tales were being incorporated, and sort of twisted into a different version. And yeah, final 1/3 of the book is filled with the original version of the fairy tales.

Title: Forever
Artist: Papa Roach
One, I hate roaches. I mean those six-legged crawling things.
Yuck! Two, Papa Roach ain't having me as their 'kipas-susah-mati', yet. Three, I never realized that Jacoby has a nice clean-singing voice. Not until I heard this one. The ending, kills me everytime. Still the sound gets old quick. Thus, just 3 stars.

from moi. of course.

Tuesday 8 May 2007

And you love to hate me don't you, honey?

still at abg's crib. malas je nak blk cyberjaya =P

pawie's now back in civilization. haha. sblum ni lepas ke muazam. la ni praktikal kat pnb (?) ngan aishah. small world, indeed. kwn sekolej wa, jumpe ngan kwn skolah wa. so tadi after maghrib, kuar ngan maRk pi midvalley. ajak la pawie ngan aishah. dah lame xjumpe kan. dia letih. konon =P xpe. lain kali. diorang duk setmpt ngan maRk. wah. ari² bleh singgah umah ngumpat. best nye!

citer pasal midvalley. dkt speedy video tu skang ade presale LP's new record. rm45.90. kene byr penuh. mula ingat nak book la skeping. malang nye wa xpuas hati. byr penuh tapi benda nye xdpt kat tgn la tu jugak kan. isk. is cannot. wa tunggu la dia kuar. tapi xdpt la poster. kot. nak poster!

xde la sale ke ape ke kan. saje je. maRk beli tracksuit ngan baju. wa? mua a a a. teng teng teng. lipstick?! caye ke caye? wa sendiri x caye. camne? tapi menarik. maybelline [lip]smooth. no.14 cinnamon. rm9.88. wa promote ke promote? wa sukak. and since my phone decided to go "no connection detected" mode on me, I had to google and found this on one of their website. the german maybelline web's I think.

anyhoo. left midvalley just in time, kami tolong tutupkan kedai² kat situ. chuckles. cam biasa, kalo sblum blk x mentekedarah dulu x sah. our favourite spot. "I'm lovin' it". grins.

sebab duk umah org kan. awal jugak la blk. kot tiba² abg kunci pintu kan. tehee.

Sunday 6 May 2007

Go on and disappear

majority rules. AF what we've watched. what I had to watch. guess what? I'm DARN satisfied with this week's result. Dafi's finally being sent home. yay! no offence to Dafi, or his fans. he's cute but thats just it. don't fret, you who love him so dearly. he'd be a product's spokeperson, or a show host. or radio presenter. or the next roda impian co-host. you know. winks.

Saturday 5 May 2007

Darn it!

my laptop decided to go kaput one day. yep. for the millionth time! lost half of my best collection of antu-dalam-balang's mp3s. aisyoo! so here I am. updating. installing. filling my laps with all the same junks. again. well it's 4years old! supposed to be an ancient relic stored in the louvre. sigh.

at my bro's. in ukay perdana. he's my personal comp tech. nani cayammm awak cangat² lancung² abg. grins. teman kak siti pi ampang putri. she's due this may 14th. wah! wa yang excited. sebab masa haikal ngan danial dulu pon wa tunggu, melaporkan live dari tmpt kejadian. malam ni tido sini la. saje gatal.

lapa. bosan. my watch's dead - need a change of battery. I need a new novel. I want Linkin Park's new CD.

Tuesday 1 May 2007

Losing track of time

kakngah kalo bab mempermainkan perasaan wa, dia la no 1. isk. wa menci tau.

I wrote these on FS. thought I'd share 'em here.

Title: The Face (Horror/Occult)
By: Dean Koontz
Survive first half of the book, then you'll be alright =P Aelfric Manheim, the son of world's famous actor Channing Manheim (whom he called Ghost Dad) and the infamous supermodel Fredericka Neilander (Nominal Mom) is being targeted by Corky Laputa (known as Moloch to Fric). Laputa has the ambition of bringing chaos to the world. While Ethan Truman, the Manheim's chief security, (still trying to get over of the death of his wife, Hannah) has a soft spot for Fric. To stop Laputa, Truman's recently deceased best friend, Dunny Whistler is found alive (after a pack made with Typhon - an angel of sort) now being the guardian to help Truman save the kid's life, even his own.

Title: MTV Unplugged (Live)
Artist: Korn
Yay! Finally, got my hands on this. Undeniably superb. Been wondering who's behind the rabbit mask since the first time I saw their unplugged perfomance. Doing backup vocal and playing multi-instruments. Kalen Chase (or Musmecci?). Also the vocalist of Illium and The Changing. Yes, I wiki-ed that. Haha. Anyway, he got one hell of a voice, I say! So he's not what you call "the Idol-qualified" type. SO AS JON'S. But works for me. Yep! Well I thought I'm reviewing Korn's. Pfft!

got another book waiting. cheers!