Tuesday 8 May 2007

And you love to hate me don't you, honey?

still at abg's crib. malas je nak blk cyberjaya =P

pawie's now back in civilization. haha. sblum ni lepas ke muazam. la ni praktikal kat pnb (?) ngan aishah. small world, indeed. kwn sekolej wa, jumpe ngan kwn skolah wa. so tadi after maghrib, kuar ngan maRk pi midvalley. ajak la pawie ngan aishah. dah lame xjumpe kan. dia letih. konon =P xpe. lain kali. diorang duk setmpt ngan maRk. wah. ari² bleh singgah umah ngumpat. best nye!

citer pasal midvalley. dkt speedy video tu skang ade presale LP's new record. rm45.90. kene byr penuh. mula ingat nak book la skeping. malang nye wa xpuas hati. byr penuh tapi benda nye xdpt kat tgn la tu jugak kan. isk. is cannot. wa tunggu la dia kuar. tapi xdpt la poster. kot. nak poster!

xde la sale ke ape ke kan. saje je. maRk beli tracksuit ngan baju. wa? mua a a a. teng teng teng. lipstick?! caye ke caye? wa sendiri x caye. camne? tapi menarik. maybelline [lip]smooth. no.14 cinnamon. rm9.88. wa promote ke promote? wa sukak. and since my phone decided to go "no connection detected" mode on me, I had to google and found this on one of their website. the german maybelline web's I think.

anyhoo. left midvalley just in time, kami tolong tutupkan kedai² kat situ. chuckles. cam biasa, kalo sblum blk x mentekedarah dulu x sah. our favourite spot. "I'm lovin' it". grins.

sebab duk umah org kan. awal jugak la blk. kot tiba² abg kunci pintu kan. tehee.

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