Tuesday 27 June 2006

Do you like pain? Try wearing a corset


abah kn kalo kuar pi beli brg, dia mmg xlupe kt wa. blk jek musti ade coklat utk wa. xkire la pe jenis pon. kecik ke, besar ke. walopun wa xsuke coklat tuh, tp org kata rezki jgn ditolak :D so kakngah, awk xbleh marah wa kalo wa membesar bagai juara. awk kene marah abah *?!* nk durhaka? ce cuba try test. wa nk tgk sket =P

semlm pi kenduri umah chu him. oren nye!! tp lawa. silap xbwk vcam. kalo x, bleh amik gamba pelamin, bunga telur dan sebagai nye. bleh tunjuk kt kaklong, bg dia contoh. kaklong skang kn nk jd 'mak abu' yg berjaya kn. kaklong, utk wa nnt, jgn lupe tau! wa dh chop awk dulu! awk kene buat plamin wa skali. lengkap la sume, xyah cari org lain dh :D

blk pd citer kenduri nih td. kami sampai agak awal. diorg buat kt dwn. pastuh kn, ade bdk² tunggu dpn pintu masuk. bile pengantin dtg diorg tabur bunga rampai. pastuh wa pon brangan, wa nnt pon nk buat kt dwn simpang kallang yg baru siap nih la =)) pastuh kn, bdk² beratur tabur bunga rampai gak. askar kita kn dh ramai skang. haikal, anis, danial. tuh on da way lg tuh. wah wah wah! wa kalo brangan, sukak!!!

walo bagaimana pon, kami xtunggu pengantin dtg. xlarat dh nk tunggu. tuh la, sampai awal sgt. blum 1.30p.m kami blah. nk pi umah sewa wa plak, amik brg. lepas umah abg sampai 4p.m. pastuh singgah carrefour sat *gile ramai org* 6p.m gerak blk umah. nk merempit sgt pon xbleh. bwk mak ngan abah kn. kena la menunjukkn diorg ade sorg ank pompuan *yg tulen* muahahaha

orait. nk lyn peter pan utk kali ke 81. peter pan citer bebdk tuh tau!! bkn peter pan indon tuh. tuh jon jek yg layan. muahahaha la ni bleh lg gelak² kt jon. sok luse blum tentu bleh dh...


Beautiful dawn
Lights up the shore for me.
There is nothing else in the world,
I'd rather wake up and see (with you).
Beautiful dawn
I'm just chasing time again.
Thought I would die a lonely man, in endless night.

But now I'm high;
running wild among all the stars above.
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me.

Beautiful dawn
Melt with the stars again.
Do you remember the day when my journey began?
Will you remember the end (of time)?
Beautiful dawn
You're just blowing my mind again.
Thought I was born to endless night, until you shine.

running wild among all the stars above.
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me.

Will you be my shoulder when I'm grey and older?
Promise me tomorrow starts with you,

Getting high;
running wild among all the stars above.
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me

running wild among all the stars above.
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me

Thursday 22 June 2006

And who should I be as they're judging me, as though I'm unaffected

21 jun 1984, kamis, 4.31p.m - MOI was born! ceh siap menyelongkar surat branak lg =P tv3 pon sebaye wa tau! pejam celik bangka dh wa rupenye *tehee* bkn makin tua, makin matang *hark tuih?!* pekata wa flashback sket.

not much memories recollection of my younger days. dpt ank patung, kasi name nora *glemer la mase tuh* part yg "digantung selama 3bln" tuh along ngan abg je yg tau citer sbenar. wa sket pon xingat -_-'. slalu pi umah atuk kt sg. puteri nun. mak abah keje kan. kalo ade kakngah, bleh berebut berus/sepit angkut *nama saintifik utk pencabut bulu ketiak* nk garu blakang/cabut bulu tiak atuk kedai. nk tegolek plak rase bile pk dh besar² nih kakngah =)) kakngah, awk ingat x awk ade dtg umah. pastuh kita main alat mekap mak. tgh suka² kita gaduh. awk bleh kemas² brg, pi tunggu bas kt tepi jln? abah blk keje, pujuk awk masuk umah *tehee* gaduh pasal ape ye? adehh krem hempedu wa gelak.

kena gastrik umo 6thn. duk umah dpn sek. agama dong tuh kan. mak seret wa dr atas trun ke dpr, sbb xnk mkn ubat *muahahahaha* pahittt!!! yuck! pastuh kena cubit sampai lebam², sbb babe' ngaji =P dok "ye! ye! abah blk!", kena ekzos motor *ouch!* seb baik xde bekas *ehsan daun lidah buaya cap kapal laut afrika*

late 1990 pindah tmn bkt koman. selang 3-4buah umah ngan aide. kami 163, diorg 158. 1 ari wa tinggal umah ngan abg. masak nasik atas dpr, tinggal. pi bejln umah aide =P hape lg kn. blk, nasik dh separuh rentung, mak dh naik antu *laju woo* =))

1992 - took piano lesson, ngan kakngah. markah Grade 1 kami best gile, sampai cikgu kami kasi skip Grade 2 *gile blagak* cikgu silih beganti *bkn mati - tuka keje, blk kg sendri* ade cikgu sorg tuh siap bwk anjing pi klas. cute! syg xbleh peluk cium kn.

july 1993 tuk kedai meninggal. time tuh jmbt dong tuh buat baru, so kena lalu ikut gesing. duk umah atuk kejap, skolah ptg. so ulang alik la kn. sronok! sbb ptg blk skolah kul 6 tuh abah jmpt, nasik ngan lauk se-tupperware. jln tuh agak jauh pd ketika tu, smpt la abih nasik. sampai umah wa dh kenyang *burppp alhamdulillah*

1996 kot, kakngah stop dulu. wa tinggal sensorg *tsk tsk* wa sorg jek plak mlayu tinggal rasenye *utk klas piano tuh la* yoi ngan kwn² dia amik organ. oh ye, zmn sek. rendah nih zaman kegemilangan pancaragam. under cikgu fuad. best! skolah lain xde buat rasenye *kot la* memula wa main melodian, pastuh oleh karena wa ank murid kesayangan cikgu fuad *prasan* dia suh wa main drum bsr. jgn memain, drum bsr tuh nadi pancaragam tau! wa messed up, satu band hancur! oleh sbb kebesaran drum nih td, nyaris gak la wa tersadung tali kt pdg. xnmpk jln weh!

'96 gak, abah ngan arwah pakcik din eksiden. 1 july 1996, 1st day abah keje ngan aide :'( duk umah atuk kt tmn kemajuan. 1997 pindah simpang kallang.

1998, gastrik wa dh lame ilang, dpt migraine *aiyok* blum test Grade 6 wa benti main piano. mak marah gile, ade la 3 minggu kami xbeckp. sungguh! last² abah bwk kami *mak, wa, ajib* pi bkt fraser. tuh pon dh ari ke2 kt sana baru mak ckp smule ngan wa *ekeke jahat wa nih*

2000, tamat la sesi persekolahan sejenis utk wa. MGS ade sampai form 3 jek. so form 4 pi TK. zmn choir plak *music's my passion* best! walopun xmembanggakan tp sronok. nyaris gak kami masuk choral speaking, tp xjd. xde sambutan. hmm thn dpt lesen motor :D kena amik sbb mak abah pi aji, wa kena anta ajib/pi skolah sendri. dpt lesen kan - "mimi! lata jarum jom!", "mimi! kfc jom!", "mimi! itu.. mimi! ini..". tp sbb xbaper cerdik sgt mase tuh, x la jauh motor tuh bejln.

2001 dpt lesen keta. miahamuhaha jauh perjalanan luas pemandangan org kata kan =P xde la jauh mane pon, bntg - lepih. oh ye, sminggu lps trial kot - eksiden, ngan mimi. kuar smpg tmn bkt koman tuh *salah wa la tuh!* bwk wira mak plak, eksiden ngan waja. tokey myk mobil kt bdr tuh plak! *tsk tsk* yg jelas, waja tuh x seWAJA mana >:) ade la sminggu trauma. pastuh, org kata apa? what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger? lagi riak, bongkak dan takbur jd nye! tp moral of the story, jgn nipu mak abah. lps eksiden tuh, wa nk pi memane pon wa jujur. kalo nipu pon, masih lg nipu dlm iman la *muakakaka*

late 2001, abah was hospitalized again. wa dh cuti *yihaa!* mula kt spital sini jek, pastuh pi GH. ade 1 pg, tiba² mak trus² je nk ke kl. sensorg, dgn keadaan dia yg xbaper stabil tuh. "cpt kakde anta mak, nk kejar bas kul 7, kang awk nk anta adik ke skolah plak". biar btul, bediri pon xtegak, nk naik bas? wa call along, dia kt umah atas mase tuh. dlm pd kelam kabut nih td - "haa, tunggu la, along mandi kejap". MAK DH HANGIN WA LENGAH²!!! along nih mcm xtau mak!!! isk blum pape dia dh MENGEBABKAN diri. wa dh bleh TERNAIK suara kt atuk. tpakse gak anta mak kt bas. along trun, kami dh lame blah *KEBABBBB!!!* tp ntah camne la dia smpt amik mak, pi kl bwk mak *huh* wa blk, atuk majuk. dia kata wa naik suara kt dia. tsk tsk! gile wa nangis. bkn sengaje, along lmbt, mak dh mrh² :(( kt GH xbaik², pi tawakal. alhamdulillah le.

mid 2002 was sorta, anjakan paradigma la *ape maksud pon wa tatau* kejadian² mistik kt umah aide, dan wa msk iic kt stapak. dlm pd kakngah, kaklong, yoi berkuntau² nih atuk dh xsehat. a week after my 18th besday, atuk meninggal *which reminds me - less than a week from now...* wa ingat sgt, sbb mlm sblum arwah atuk pi wa mmg hepi gile ngan kwn². wa sendri yg ckp "weh jgn hepi sgt, sok ade yg mnangis". voila! pg jumaat tuh wa bgn siap nk pi klas, nmpk along kt pakgad *keyboard wa dh basah!*

2002 - 2005, zmn mengenal kl :D bile kena cari umah sewa, abah kasi kancil. semput² pon, tuh la yg berjasa. kuar mkn tgh² mlm, lepak projet. haji tapah, abg burger, DATARAN MERDEKA?! :D pastuh dpt plak cik keli, haih! kecik² cili mexico! bleh muat 6-7 org! jgn la tanye camne rupenye, byg kn jek la =P

mid 2005 wa pindah tmpt baru, you-know-where =P agak tertekan gak mula². cam jauh dr civilization. xubah cam muazam! beza? muazam tuh utan belantara, tmpt baru nih utan konkrit. panas nk pensan! ade sedara yg duk dkt pon, rase cam xde sape kt situ o_O zmn myk naik rege nih lg la susah nk bejln. nk mkn, xbleh jln. nk bejln, makan beskut kita! YG PENTING, weekend wa musti bleh blk kg. xbleh pon, wa bleh kan jugak! xkira!

that's it, my 22 years of nothing-out-of-ordinary-life. tuh kira sinopsis jek la. nk citer penuh, bleh jd da vinci code. panjang tuh, 22 thn kendian plak baru abih =P tringat psl da vinci code, kakngah awk nk pinjam x buku? ke dh beli? hee :D anywayZzz, hepi 22nd besday to me. mintak² ade lg thn lain, dan BYK lg. sbb byk yg nk dimintak ampun nih >:) byk lg gak menda nk buat. xmen 3 xtgk lg ye kakngah =P wish for this year? angkat kening, tgn kt dagu...


Just when i thought that I was better
I realized that I don't know what better was
Is it better than I used to be?
Better for you or for me?
I'd Better hurry cause I need a better view of things

I don't know what it is or
What do i think im doin'

Don't know were I've been
Don't know where to go
Can't remember all the things that I need to know
All I know is thatIf I think about it
I'd still rather be me than me be you

And I'm not getting any better
Cause everytime I can't remember what its for
Is it better now than yesterday?
Better than I am this way?
Better not be so afraid
I bet I shouldn't say

Cause I don't know, what it is or
What do I think I'm doin

Don't know where I've been
Don't know where to go
Can't remember all the things that I need to know
All I know is thatIf I think about it
I'd still rather be me than me be
I'd still rather be me than me be you

Tuesday 20 June 2006

But nobody's listening

pot pet pot pet! nk ngutuk lebih² pon, kemane ke tumpah nye kuah kalo x ke baju sendri kan? lg pon kang tebkr dpn² ni gak. xmau! :-S

mak lepas ke ktn. ade bengkel apekejadah ntah. rabu nnt baru blk. so wa tinggal ngan abah jek. tp td siang makde ngan epit singgah umah. aide ade urusan. makde mencari kicap sampai pulang ke tanah tumpah darah tercinta! betape menunjukkn kan, sbesar² ktn tuh ade gak menda yg xde =P

oh sini ujan, lebat! tp wa x 'kehujanan'. miahamuahaha :D *kemajuan tuh!* lame gak la diorg lepak sini. sampai belah tgh ari. dkt 2p.m aide baru ke kl. aunty meiling bwk keta, 4.pm aide msg kata baru sampai kl?! gile berhemah aunty meiling!!! konpem² lmbt, makde sempat memunggah brg. wa: "xpe makde, kalo dh susun nnt, aide xbleh kata ape dh". wa bab menghasut makde nih sukak! gelak setan. mmg sungguh la dipunggah nye brg. seb baik la bonet keta tuh kecik, kalo x dgn epit² skali masuk ke bonet =P

izah mai bwk maklong. dlm 6p.m gitu diorg blk, kami skali ikut pi kedai rajesh *makde beli kicap* tsk tsk tsk!! 'banjir' la kejap walopun kawasan tuh bukit =P 6.30p.m makde ngan epit gerak pi bntg, aide suh tunggu sane. padahal baru jek msg - "jam kt jln tun razak". jln tun razak?? sok jek la blk ktn :D

la ni wa kebosanan tahap overdose. hoobastank nih xsedap nyanyi live rupenye. a7x yg sengau pon sedap nyanyi live. seb baik lagu sedap. sabtu nih nk tido umah abg, nk pi kenduri kak dilla kt shah alam. kaklong, awk pi skali kan? kakngah pi? tido umah abg? abg, president suite ok...


Hey Miss Murder can I?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Make beauty stay if I,
Take my life?

With just a look they shook
And heavens bowed before him.
Simply a look can break your heart.
The stars that pierce the sky;
He left them all behind.
We’re left to wonder why
He left us all behind.

Hey Miss Murder can I?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Make beauty stay if I,
Take my life?

Dreams of his crash won’t pass
Or how they all adored him.
Beauty will last when spiraled down.
The stars that mystify,
He left them all behind.
And how his children cried.
He left us all behind.

Hey Miss Murder can I?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Make beauty stay if I,
Take my life?

What's the rift that twists
Within this furthest mystery?
I would gladly bet my life upon it.
At the cost of love your ray of light
Will fizzle out without hope.
When the empty sand just flowing through our empty skin,
And we're searching for what we were promised.
Reaching for the golden ring we never let go,
They won't ever let us put our filthy hands upon it.

Hey Miss Murder can I?
Hey Miss Murder can I?
Make beauty stay if I,
Take my life?

Tuesday 13 June 2006

I got a heart full of pain, head full of stress, handful fo anger - held in my chest

kalo blk umah pon tension camner? nk ditinggalkan, kesian. x ditinggalkan, wa yg migraine sensorg. so how la?!

9a.m semlm gerak pi muazam. anta adinda tercinta *<3* cam biasa. wa skang dh jd driver tetap =P yg mnarik? ikut bera?! wargh! 1st time. gile sume sengal! 6p.m sampai umah smule. nih mau 18 purnama berikut nye trauma @_@

ermm pe lg nk citer? xde ufo lalu sini, fifa pon xde buat game kt sini :D nnt2 kot rase cam nk meluahkn perasaan ke kan, wa tulih la lagi...


Dust begins to fall, to the ground
The air is cold and thin
Thoughts are haunting me as I look around
This will never end and I'll bleed forever

Don't acknowledge right, just dwell on wrong
This spot in hell's where I belong
I've come so far - it's been so long
Don't know why it started or where it came from

Outside shell is strong - confident
But slowly eats away
Like a man plagued with disease, I try to fight
Through my pores it seems to seep...
I'll bleed forever

And you sit there and do nothing
You're content with doing nothing

There's nowhere to run and hide
when you're living to die
Stuck alone inside your head,
better off dead
The phone would ring in the empty house, no one's around.
But in my life, I wanted more, I needed moreI taste more

Friday 9 June 2006

All the times that I felt like this won't end, it's for you

td ptg pi karak, lepas maghrib gak la. abah lmbt plak blk keje arini. sbb wan chu ade blk. tp maklong toherah blk dh ngan aki chu (??) keje. agak meriah la kejap. abg, awk lmbt print gamba. xdpt nk tunjuk kt wanchu.

dlm pd citer hal kawen nih. dh kait² plak ngan wa. wan de: "haih pasnih kakde punye, kena buat besar²an nih. pompuan sorg". mak: "ah ye, along ngan abg nye dh bepkt dh". Wan chu: "musti musti". mak teh: "ehh kakde suke". wa - mengerang busuk!! tekanan tekanan! wa mude lagiiiiiii!!! ari tuh pi tf tuh teman mak shopping, tepi tuh kan ade kedai hantaran tuh. dia bleh tanye wa. mak: "kakde dh tgk gubahan² bekas telur?". tersedak tang tuh gak! gilak?!

cam nyesal suh abg kawen pon ade. dh wa yg tekanan plak =P xde! xde!!! kaklong ngan kakngah dulu!! baru wa! so, kaklong n kakngah. cepat sket kasi sebrg perkabaran. supaya wa bleh idop ngan tenang sket utk masa terdkt nih. tensen...


Today I am dirty
I want to be pretty
Tomorrow I'll know that I'm just dirt

Today I am dirty
I want to be pretty
Tomorrow I'll know that I'm just dirt

We are the nobodies
We wanna be somebodies
When we're dead
They'll know just who we are

We are the nobodies
We wanna be somebodies
When we're dead
They'll know just who we are

Yesterday I was dirty
Wanted to be pretty
I know now that I'm forever dirt

Yesterday I was dirty
Wanted to be pretty
I know now that I'm forever dirt

We are the nobodies
We wanna be somebodies
When we're dead
They'll know just who we are

We are the nobodies
We wanna be somebodies
When we're dead
They'll know just who we are

Some children died the other day
We fed machines and then we prayed
Puked up and down in morbid faith
You should have seen the ratings that day

Some children died the other day
We fed machines and then we prayed
Puked up and down in morbid faith
You should have seen the ratings that day

Thursday 8 June 2006

So why are you running away

smlm sampai umah, keletihan + kelaparan yg amat sgt. pastuh 1st time rase sgt takut bwk keta dlm ujan. gile ketaq! ujan kt kl lain ngan ujan kt sini. ujan kt kl, petir dpn mata! *isk* xmau kena panah petir. byk lg nak menda nk mintak ampun =P *kakngah!!!*

ajib dh sminggu kt umah, baru smlm dpt bermesra² *hugz* cuti skolah dh nk abih dh. mak kata epit ade call, nk dtg. tp kalo dia dtg pon nnt tinggal sorg gak. ajib pepg pi tuisyen. peptg main tenis. memlm main kompang *choih* prektis utk kenduri seterus nye =P *kakngahhh lagi!!!!* :D

nxt week kena pi klj smule nih sbenar nye. kakngah, sabar menanti ye. tunggu kepulangan teman seperchattan mu...


Ra ta ta da di ra ta ta ra ta da di da di da
La da da la da da de da
la da la da da da la la

downtown where we walk the streets
so beautiful and fly
such a scenestress but such a glow
gonna make you mine C'mon!

Ra ta ta da di ra ta ta ra ta da di da di da

i've been up all night
so glamorous
waiting for your call
its a long way to go
yeah and i dont know if i will make it
i wanna know if you still love me
take me far

hey hey you wanna be a star
clutter up my sky
we all paid for your big cigars
your diamonds and your lies singin'

Ra ta ta da di ra ta ta ra ta da di da di da

we all want a chance at the dirty life
baby you are mine

its a long way to go
yeah and i dont know if i will make it
i wanna know if you still love me
take me far away

youre so precious.
so damn precious.

Ra ta ta da di ra ta ta ra ta da di da di da
Ra di da ta ta ra di da da da ra ta da di da di da

its a long way to go
and i dont know if i will make it
i wanna know if you still love me
take me far a long way
take me far away

Monday 5 June 2006

But does anyone notice, does anyone care

minggu ni minggu rezki mlimpah ruah *tp sempat gak membazir* =P memula saeid - mmg dh lame janji ye saeid! nih le baru berkesempatan nye *macihhhh* pastu kaklong - biasa la tuh kaklong ye =P best la abg burger tuh!!! ehh let me rephrase that... mmg best la BURGER abg burger tuh! *muahahahaha* pastuh maRk plak! aih, ailebiu la maRk! mmg minggu nih minggu tadah perut! ahahaha rezki exam nih!

dlm pd exam nih td sempat lg bejln! *lupe daratan* sabtu ajak maRk pi jln tar. pasar mlm kn, nk cari brooch. sambil tuh melilau pi campbel (campble? kambel? ontah nye la!). cari cd yg xde dipasaran biasa. ari tuh pi, kedai tuh tutup. ape kedai² tuh mmg bukak belah mlm jek ke? bile masuk plak kedai cd tuh, sume pandang! *tsk tsk* kami jek yg pompuan masuk kedai camtuh =P and ailebiu uncle kedai cd! sbb bagi diskaun, walopun singgit lapan posen jek =)) nxt time wa dtg kedai lg ye, nk beli hoodie avenged sevenfold tuh, bekenan!

kakngah!!! fulus abih! xmen kensel! awk pi la ngan jon. wa tunggu masuk hbo jek la :'( kalo bejln lg, nnt wa blk kg kena naik flight. tekejut plak mak wa nnt =P

huh! cukup², sambung study. err baru nk start sbenar nye =P sok exam kol 10a.m!!! arghhh...


Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

Saturday 3 June 2006

What if I wanted to break

2 down! 1 more to go. what? final exams. yerp. ms ct's was quite hard *xbaca btul mmg la* =P but mr gerard's?!! ahh <3 him! thx for the hints sir!! "I believe I can fly"... that's how I feel when I stepped out of the exam room just now =))

anywayZzz, nk qada' tido dulu. sok luse baru pk asgmt ngan projek ;-) chow cincau yeows...


Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking

When you fall everyone sins
Another day and you've had your fill of sinking
With the life held in your
Hands are shaking cold
These hands are meant to hold

Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along
Move along

So a day when you've lost yourself completely
Could be a night when your life ends
Such a heart that will lead you to deceiving
All the pain held in your
Hands are shaking cold
Your hands are mine to hold

Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along (Go on, go on, go on, go on)

When everything is wrong we move along
(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
When everything is wrong, we move along

When all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through

(Move along)

(Go on, go on, go on, go on) Right back what is wrong
We move along

Thursday 1 June 2006

There are miles to go

saleeeeeeeeee!!!! @_@ td siang tetiba saeid ajak kuar. mekasih blanje kfc... burppp!! alhamdulillah... skuiz me!! =P pi midvalley. lame dh tangguh² nk pi midvalley nih. ade hikmah rupenye *ehehe* skali kn. sale 20%, sale 30%, sale up to 70%!! wargh!!

begini rupenye berjiwa wanita sejati. *ehem* oits! tulen tau tulen! cume selama nih xde plak berperasaan nk menjeling kedai baju ke, kedai mekap ke, kedai perfume ke kan. biasa masuk kedai cd, kedai buku. tp smenjak 2menjak dh besar panjang nih kn, naluri kewanitaan tuh terserlah lebih plak sket. mak: "sejok perot aku, ingat xmau jd pompuan bdk nih" akakakaka dialog sendri jek tuh.

so dh ke midv nih td kn, ingat kn nk window shopping la konon. *eleh* skali nmpk kedai body shop, masuk!! "saied, awk beli 1 yg nih. sy amik 1 yg tuh". cun!! beli chymara sebotol *penin plak bau dia*. pastuh ronda², masuk kedai baju. usha², belek². masuk kedai kasut, belek lg. seb baik xde yg berkenan =P

masuk tower records plak, xde cd yg dicari *seb baik lg*. trun plak, nmpk kedai Jigsaw Puzzle World tuh. dh lame dh brangan nk beli 1 puzzle. xmau yg sket² nih! kalo bleh nk yg 1000pcs tuh kan *tamak haloba*. apekn daya, mahal! so wa beli jek la yg 500pcs. mahal gak, tp nk beli gak! :D kita tgk la, tah bile siap nye nih nnt.

dh puas² ronda ade la dkt 3jam jugak, blk la kn. midv pon nk tutup dh =P anta saeid kt putra dpn vista angkasa tuh. "nxt month jgn lupe teddy bear besar yg sy tunjuk tuh td tau saeid!! 21 jun!! jgn purak² pensan plak!" ;-)

mcm membazir pon ade gak, tp dh beli kn. jgn sampai mkn puzzle sminggu nih, dh le =P muehehehe...


You seem to find the dark when everything is bright
You look for all that's wrong instead of all that's right
Does it feel good to you to rain on my parade
You never say a word unless it's to complain
It's driving me insane

If I were you
Holding the world right in my hands
The first thing I'd do
Is thank the stars for all that I have
If I were you

Look at what's around you now
More than you ever dreamed
Have you forgotten how just hard it used to be?
So what's it going to take for you to realize
That all could go away in one blink of an eye
It happens all the time

If I were you
Holding the world right in my hands
The first thing I'd do
Is thank the stars above
Tell the world I love that I do

Yeah if I were you
Yeah if I were you
If I were you
If I were you

So what's it going to take for you to realize
It all could go away in one blink of an eye
It happens all the time

If I were you
Holding the world right in my hands
The first thing I'd do
Is thank the stars above
For the world I love
Take a breath and enjoy the view
Live the life that I wanna do
If I were you