Tuesday 29 July 2008

I know I'm too set in my ways

longed to add to that post count. so here goes.

waiting for my gaji so I can shop 'til I drop! shopping list:
- a baju and tudung for Aug 9th.
- CDs for myself and Along (going to claim for expenses + a bit of riba' wouldn't hurt) haha.
- books? pass - got a stack of them unread, as tall as Petronas twin towers!
- sandals definitely.
- books... I thought I'd scratch this one off the list ;)
- few stuff for 'home'.
- aaaaaand books! OK. my kaki already gatal to be in a bookstore. how la? cannot stop one.


Thursday 10 July 2008

Let's pretend, happy end

ajib dropped by this evening. amik 'rete perdok' dia. macam biasa la kan. wa yang hantar balik. dah malam pon. sebelum tu sempat pegi makan dulu. ingatkan nak bawak pegi layan nasi goreng chicken chop SS2. macam tak sempat je. by 10pm he should be at his hostel. next time eh bro.

dah 9.30pm ni. apa lagi kan.

sebenar nya nak cerita part kelakar nya ni. exit tol bangi, dengan bangga wa pegang kad T'nG tu kan. tiba2 jatuh. adoiyay!! nasib baik la jatuh dekat je. kalo nya bergolek jauh? kad yang leper tu boleh bergolek ke? wa leave that to beloved reader's imagination.

sumpah wa dengan ajib gelak bagai nak rak. terus wa teringat tragedi 'buat baik berpada-pada' kakngah. rm5 melayang laju je. mua a a a a.

Tuesday 8 July 2008

'Cause you bring me to my knees

I'm double posting. why do you care?

so, Monday morning, as I was just arriving at Masjid Jamek, abah called. mak got sick, I should come home. with nazmi around abah couldn't drive and expect his cucu to sit quietly.

kita, orang melayu particularly, ada kepercayaan. tak tau la nak kata tahyul ke apa. but God somehow provides us with instinct. cerita nya, orang kata kalo kening kanan bergerak tu petanda elok. kalo kening kiri petanda tak elok la kan. been having such HEAVY and RAPID tingling sensation on my left brow for the last couple of days. bukan la nak kata percaya benda mengarut2 kan. but base on experience je la, it will stop after any bad news or unpleasant event. seriously.

apa lagi kan. wa memang tak sedap hati. tambah pulak wa yang berimaginasi tinggi ni. memang kemain la wa membayang dan terbayang. orang meninggal la, accident la, some creepy skeleton coming out of closet la. kan. tsk!

tup tup abah yang call.

tak la kata kronik mana sakit nya mak tu. tapi badan orang tua. batu karang yang dia ada tu limits her movement and activities. kadang tidur pon payah. pegi hospital (gov), doktor suruh tunggu sampai mata kuning baru nak operate. hoh?! wa nak mencarut perkataan yang orang suka mencarut pon siap beristighfar. camne?

kalo private, sediakan ongkos nya, jalan je kan. bila cakap pasal duit, mak akan cakap biar la dia sakit. duit tu lagi elok buat belanja korang belajar etc. ooh tiktiktik air mata wa :P

abah's going to persuade her somehow. or we'll just drag her to tawakal. how's that. haha. meanwhile, berubat cara kampung. just to hold it off.

nak tahlil/kenduri ni. hope all goes well.

Lost on a highway that never takes me home

my travelling chronology for the last 72 hours (from KL): [Saturday] Tanjung Malim - Kuala Lumpur - Raub (stayed overnight) - [Sunday] Tanjung Malim - Kuala Lumpur (stayed overnight) - [Monday] Raub (again and of course wa tido la kan) - [Tuesday] back in Kuala Lumpur.

wa is still very ketoyong.

I slept well. that's never a problem, unless I had to much caffein in my system. but I was spent. my body ached from the constant driving. why and what on earth was I doing all the way to Tanjung Malim and Raub and back again? ahaa!

last Saturday morning wa pegi jemput kak siti, angkut barang. she's done with her short course and ready for practical training. wa kan adik ipar mithali. weeehem!! al kisah nya, wa bukan tau pon jalan ke UPSI tu. maka dengan bangga dan takbur nya wa "redah aje"! simply followed 'Ipoh' route on the green signboard.

at first wa agak cuak. siapa tak cuak kalo destinasi tak tertulis atas signboard. wa saw Ipoh, Sungai Buloh, Batang Berjuntai, Rawang. but NO 'Tanjung Malim' in sight. Bukit Kayu Hitam - yang paling jauh sekali tu dia letak! huh!

the highway is heading north, so mostly the cars on the road have 'a', 'p' plate number la kan. tiba2 wa 'k'. dah wa gelak guling2 sorang2 dalam kereta. sedagha no!

an hour (or so) of driving (and singing, or rather screaming on the top of my lungs), wa arrived to the unfamiliar town. stuffed kak siti's stuff in my CLK (cute little kelisa), stopped by KL and dropped 'em off, and off to Raub.

takde niat pon nak balik raub. tapi sebelum jemput kak siti, abah called tanya ada ura2 nak balik ke. wa tercerita la perihal nak pegi menjemput ni. later mak called saying she asked the police about Kuala Kubu - Raub route. wah! sungguh excited bonda ku. kira dua kali dah la kan, tanya wa balik ke tak.

mak, nani tau mak lindhu kat nani cangat2 lancung2. ihiks! to tell you the truth, wa dah sebulan tak jumpa jalan pulang. CLK kaput, out of budget. tapi bukan la langsung tak jumpa diorang. mak abah ada datang tidur sini. weekend pegi hantar ajib.

FYI, ajib is now in UKM. alhamdulillah rezeki dia ke situ. enrolled june 29th.

sambung balik. Sunday noon wa sent kak siti back to UPSI via Kuala Kubu. jalan lama, lalu gap Bukit Fraser. which is the reason of my state of ketoyong-ness. lama tak lalu jalan tu. that was actually my first trip using the old road - wa, personally, driving.

cut to the chase, 1.30pm dropped kak siti off, and wa back in KL by 2.30pm. yes. rempit all the way! as soon as wa stepped in the house, booffff! wa nampak tilam, bantal, put handphone on the side (mode: defeaningly LOUD - just in case wa tidur mati, which WAS the case)... and Zzz!

wa barely heard the phone ring around 5pm - abah asking about yadda yadda. I heard nazmi on the background, and abah saying "aa dah makde nak tidur". and bye. by then my head was pounding like hell!

and just when I thought my Monday going to be the usual lame Mondays I pretty much have...

Sunday 6 July 2008

Ache to be free

When boredom strikes...

Name one person you think is beautiful
-- Brian Haner Jr.

Name one thing you think is fun
-- Driving (wayyy beyond speed limit!).

Name one place you want to visit
-- Stonehenge, UK.

Name one of your favorite curse words
-- Mak dia cun! (which equivalent to any curse words you can think of - I don't actually curse).

Name one song you think describes you
-- Wayward One by Alter Bridge.

Name one of your fears
-- Cockroach.

Name one thing you love
-- Books.

Name one thing you hate
-- Being left out.

Name one language you want to learn
-- French.

Name one occupation you'd like to have
-- Successful business mogul (in my dream!).

Name one thing you want to accomplish before you die
-- Having a meet & greet session with any of my favourite bands would be nice.

Name one thing you are allergic to
-- No allergies so far.

Name one time you stayed up all night
-- This one night I got home from Cyberjaya, and later in the morning I had to drive my bro back to his school.

Name one thing that you really can't understand
-- People.

Name one day you hate
-- That day before she went away, for good.

Name one person you love
-- Mak - sorry Abah :P you're next to her, though.

Name one thing that changed your life
-- Internet.

Name one car you want to drive
-- A Hummer, for sure.

Name one thing you would give your life for
-- Another life.

Name one thing that really annoys you
-- Stereotype.

Name one time you felt rejected
-- Err...

Name one crazy place you fell asleep
-- Can't think of one.

Name one time you felt on top of the world
-- When I get good results.

Name one friend that you miss
-- *cough*

...and boredom wins!