umi nih nk kene blasah. xjd pi kasitau la 5jam awal. seb baik wa baru lps tol sg. besi. kalo x, mmg wa naik umah blasah awk dulu baru wa blk =P
blk merempit :D ngantuk sbenarnye. jgn sok² sampai saman jek dh. ade 1 roadblock kt exit tol bntg. kt lee rubber 1, pastu kt slekoh maut jln baru *lori slalu parking tuh* potong stim daa. jauh skit sambung smule kan *miahamuahaha*
sampai umah, abah ngecat pintu. aisyoo! wa pening siot! kn dh ade odourless paint skang *ako mustapa tehee* apesal xpakai?! sampai skang bau! lemas.. lemas...
in the sunlight of your smile
in the summer of our life
in the magic of love
storms above scattered away
lovers dreaming in the night
reaching for paradise
but as the dark shadows fade
love slips away
on an empty stretch of beach
in the pattern of the waves
drawing pictures with my hand
in the sand, I see your face
skipping pebbles on the sea
wishing for Paradise
sand castles crumble below
the restless tides ebb and flow
listening to a shell
hoping for your voice
beautiful Maria of my soul
though we'll always be apart
locked forever in a dream
if I ever love again
even then, nothing will change
and the taste of you remains
clinging to Paradise
but as the distance from you grows
all that my heart ever knows
hunger for your kiss
longing for your touch
beautiful Maria of my soul
filling all my nights
haunting all my days
beautiful Maria of my soul
Orange Rotation
7 hours ago
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