pretty hectic weekend. sminggu lg abg nk nikah kn. buat hantaran abg. jumat kami blk ke kg halaman beramai². wa, abg, kakngah, kaklong. sronot siots! blk dh mlm, abg sempat lg basuh baju *isk isk*
mlm tuh blk, tido dulu. kaklong xmau start lg kn. sabtu pg baru mula. wa bgn² jek *10 am =P* kaklong dh siap 3 tepak. syabas beta syabas! keje wa ngan kakngah - buat bunga tampal kt kotak isi kueh baulu. 400 kotak!!! astaga! ade la yg melebur jari main glue gun. guess what? siap in one day? muahahahaha :D kami mmg sungguh berdedikasi. patut dpt upah best nih abg! ;-)
ptg sabtu tuh jmpt plak izah. staff masuk shif ptg nih, kene buat overtime =P~ seharian tuh mmg sambil buat keje, sambil ngumpat. sambil gelak², sambil kenakn abg *bak kata kaklong, siap kenduri kt umah nnt baru mintak ampun ye* sian dia =P
riot jr kena blk awal la plak. nk jage ank sdare. pg td bgn *10 am lg!!* izah dh blk. brg² utk ke mlk dh siap. tinggal yg pink² jek nk disiapkn. xpe, tuh next week nye plak. pg ni takat buat bunga penanggah jek. pastu decorate bilik abg. alas tuh dh mcm jawa plak abg! wa xkire durhaka kn, sbb ckp dpn mak pon mak gelak jek =P lawa la tp.
hmm kali ni nmpk cam simple. byk hal² yg xpatut tulih kt sini jd penghalang (T_T) tp xpe la kn. wa rase kali ni punye mnarik sket. sbb wa join. yg 1st dulu rasenye tolong tgk jek =P *durhaka* pape pon slmt bernikah le nnt abg. mintak² sume jln lancar...
Feeling nothing
Lonely, empty
You try to walk away but you fall
You cannot understand what's this for
In this world I see it more
The pain you feel that I ignore
You see my face and then you see nothin'
Confused, you turn and live on
I turn my face
You're staring back again
Look at yourself and live again
Can't see me, you feel me
Want me, you'll find me
I'll be your everything
Will you call
You'll need more & more
When you fall
In this world I see it more
The pain you feel that I ignore
You see my face and then you see nothing
Confused, you turn and live on
I turn my face
You're staring back again
Look at yourself and live again
How many times have you looked
At yourself & felt mistreated
How does it feel to know that
This life of yours is real
All of your life you've been led
To believe your nothin'
So look at yourself and start to live again
You see my face and then you see nothing
Confused, you turn and live on
I turn my face
You're staring back again
Look at yourself and live again
If you don't change you'll be nothin'
So look at yourself and live again
Orange Rotation
6 hours ago
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