week 8 of sem5. supposed to be our midterm break. but I'm back, here in you-know-where, 5days early! *aisyoo*
Sunday, watched Saw for the 1st time. aiyak! so disturbing one! true isn't it, how a person wouldn't bother hurting or destroying himself. but when being threaten with danger by other people, we would go to certain point where we'd do anything to save our neck. uhh I should think 'bout changing my course ;)
went to kuala medang on Mon. jd driver mak :D mencabar siots! cam trek offroad. mak ni kn homeh orgnye, so dia jek la yg potpet² dlm keta. on da way pi, selisih ngan keta lama diorg pakai zmn along ngan abg. haa tebukak la citer time diorg mode² dolu. =)) dgr citer seniman bujang lapok nih mmg best. wa sengih jek sepjg jln.
lame gak lepaks sane. arrived around 9am, blk dh almost noon. 2tmpt mak pi, 1kedai pakcik nih. 1lg msk ladang. driver kene tunggu *tsk tsk* on da way blk plak, dh dia citer psl teknik² penanaman klape sawit yg berjaya. pasni wa jd peladang sawit berjaya la =P went straight to maklong riot house. hee :D
uihhhh merah ank angah! haikal ngan danial pon xsmerah tuh rasenye. buku kalo bertemu ngan pen =P bkn 1 citer jek yg kuar *sensitive subject - not suitable for public display* yadaa yadaa yadaa zuhr pon msk - blk. singgah umah maklong zie sat, anta baju kaklong. "sblum pi mlk kena siap ye maklong!", "haa sng la aku nk memesan nye" bygkn la cara maklong beckp =P
selasa maulud nabi. sakan cuti, tgh ari baru bukak pintu umah =P tuh pon ade org dtg, sape ntah. boring day, nothing's on tv. *placebo on mtv's fashionably loud! yeah!* then this morning, btolak 7.30am sampai 9.30am. 10am janji ade group discussion *wa? group? discuss lg? definitely not wa!* smenjak 2menjak ni jd student mithali =P
hmm nk pi menggodek blog kakngah. showed her mine, tempted her to join friendster *kaklong - wink!* xberjaya! jujur pi reg blogdrive. dh la susah nk tolong. isk s***h!!! for some unknown reason, I know that I'm not suppose to write that. but still...
They say freak
When you're singled out
The red
Well it filters through
So lay down
The threat is real
When his sight goes red again
Seeing red again
This change he won't contain
Slip away to clear your mind
When asked what made it show?
The truth he gives in to most
So lay down
The threat is real
When his sight goes red again
Seeing red again...
They say freak
When you're singled out
The red
It filters through
Orange Rotation
6 hours ago
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