epi besday kaklong! tp walau bagaimana pon, dec 25 tetap dibubarkn *miahamuahaha*
ahad ptg kakngah n jon jmpt wa ngan epit blk ktn. makde bleh lg memesan benih pokok la, pasu la. semput la jugak cik keli kakngah. tu pon xjd bwk pasu lagi. pastu nk singgah t'loh jmpt anis ngan adam lg *pehh* bleh kata kalo keli tu ade mulut, nye meraung la jugak *kuakuakua*
wa amik crash course jd ibu tunggul :D alhamdulillah la, slmt sehat walafiat anak² skalian. adam baik, senyap cam ibu dia *ehem* tu ye tumpah kuah wa. sket pon xde kene mengene ngan mummy ngan umi dia yg havoc >:) anis pon, dpt nye baik. baik la sgt. "anis malu ngan abg jon..." - ngan muke² skali. gediks! *tumpah dr mummy* =P pastu dpt nye jayaaattt, astaga! nk jugak nye melompat + berdiri atas kita cam kita dukung adam. dia hengat dia ringan²?!! kire bersyukur la dgn keadaan wa yg membesar bagai juara ni *muakakakaka*
td gerak dr ktn dlm 8.30pm. 2 keta, cik keli dara ngan cik keli teruna. ikut jln lama yg sungguh la adventurous nye sbb anta ank² pulang ke pangkuan mama bon. xpuas sbenarnye. dpt tido semlm jek. ajakan utk beraye aji beramai² tu mmg tempting. tapiii...
something has been taken
from deep inside of me
a secret i've kept locked away
no one can ever see
wounds so deep they never show they never go away
like moving pictures in my head
for years and years they've played
its easier to run
replacing this pain with something numb
its so much easier to go
than face all this pain here all alone
if i could change i would
take back the pain i would
retrace every wrong move that i made i would
if i could
stand up and take the blame i would
if i could take all the shame to the grave i would
its easier to run
replacing this pain with something numb
its so much easier to gothan face all this pain here all alone
sometimes i remember
the darkness of my past bringing back these memories i wish i didn't have
sometimes i think of letting go
and never looking back
and never moving forward so there would never be a past
just washing it aside
all of the helplessness inside
pretending i don't feel so misplaced
is so much simpler than change
Orange Rotation
6 hours ago
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