mak kata wa garang *erk* garang?!
ajib blk *yay* tamat la sudah riwayat kesan degil. tamat la sudah zaman persekolahan dia. semlm subuh² gerak pi amik dia kt muazam. isk! excited btul mak abah nih =P *wa jugak yg jd mangsa keadaan* dh salam² meninggalkn skolah tecinta, gerak pi ktn. abah renew lesen tahapekejadah.
lunch kt centre point. pastu sempat pi TC. waa sudah tukar ka? xbleh parking dpn laut? pastu parking dh kene byr? tgh ari panas bedengit tu ade yg mandi. kalo x bertuka kaler tuh, xtau la wa. dlm 2.30pm gitu singgah umah aide *surprise*
bonda nk melawat dan mengetahui citer sbenar ttg keadaan adinda tercenta =P deme bertiga branak je ade nye. ame nye pekat le kupi makde buat! saket kpale nani makde!!! *tsk tsk tsk*
4pm blah. singgah r&r t'loh. mlm sampai umah. lame xmenjerit² ngan ajib :D ajibbb!! masak megi utk kakde...
Pray for blood
Pray for the cleansing
Pray for the flood
Pray for end of this nightmare
This lie of a life can as quickly as it came dissolve
We seek only reprieve
And welcome the darkness
The myth of a meaning, so lost and forgotten
Take hold of my hand
For you are no longer alone
Walk with me in hell
Pray for solace
Pray for resolve
Pray for a savior
Pray for deliverance
Some kind of purpose, a glimpse of a light in this void of existence
Now witness the end of an age
Hope dies in hands of believers
Who seek the truth in the liar's eyes
Take hold of my hand
For you are no longer alone
Walk with me in hell
Walk with me in hell
Take hold of my hand
For you are no longer alone
Walk with me in hell
You're never alone
Walk with me in hell
Orange Rotation
7 hours ago
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