kudik.. kudik! ahaha astro ade cenel baru 75 animax kan. the return of nippon anime *yeeha!* malang nye wa bleh tgk weekend jek. tu pon kalo wa blk umah. kalo ikut blk ktn, bdk² umah sane xreti menjiwai dan menilai kesenian katun jepon *uhuhu* reti lyn af jek *hark ptuih* raye dh dkt, nnt mintak ampun. la ni mase utk durhaka byk² *miahamuahaha*
ayat abg: "berita tergempar! along blk arini". akaka abg? durhaka? tp mmg ye pon kan. xpe abg. kalo tebkr, kita tebkr same² =P along blk ari kamis. tido umah atas dulu. jumaat wa blk - awal. klas kensel! biadapZzz btul! kalo tau, kamis lg wa dh blah *huh* jumaat ptg tuh along trun bwh. kudik kudik sorg tuhhh! culik, jual. mahal! *ehehe* si danial, umi nye letak meniarap. dia telentang smule. pastuh mcm kura² telentang - tekapai² suh org amik dukung. kita tegur sket, dia balas byk - homeh. letih la makde melayan hokme nnt wehh!
jumaat mlm tuh wa rase, 1st time wa beckp ngan mak - 2hala. biasakn mak ckp wa dgr jek. skang ni dh byk mende nk ckp. lebih tepat nye, wa dh "reti" beckp :D byk la jugak kami ngumpat. kira, walopun kuah byk tumpah kt kaklong. tp ade la sket² tempias kt wa kan =P
oh ye. lalu tol bntg, xjumpe la kakngah 5inggit awk *muakakaka* nk mintak kt akak tol tuh ganti, bkn salah dia. kot² dh ade org jumpe buat byr tol keta dia plak kan. halal jek la. tp wa nk gelak lg bleh? tehee
td on da way blk sini singgah midv. spt biasa, mph 1st target wa. 2bijik novel! abih 60 kt situh jek - mkn plastik mph *tsk tsk* ade kedai yg masih sale. tp wa xmau mkn plastik sale sminggu nih :D pastuh kt center court tuh, ade booth promo beskot/makanan la. 1 gerai nih name "Aji Ichiban". jon memunahkan lagu tokyo drift tuh - "jambann.. ichibann..". mmg wa hampir² gelak guling² tepuk² lantai kt situh la! seb la wa masih mengekalkan ciri² wanita melayu terakhir wa kan *ehemm* gelak sopan *ihihi*
wehh antu dh nk kene ikat dh. sampai ke sudah kita xpi tgk pameran :'( ke korg dh pi? *tgn kt dagu* ermm kakngah, belikan data cable utk enpon makde. ke ade dh? wa nk mengerjakn enset dia. penuh inbox wa ngan "kakde, tolong la enset makde nih. nk lagu" wa sedih tau, siap nangis lg bile dpt msg *muahahahahaahaha*
sok pg 10.30 ade talk. ingat mls pi, tp lect amik attendance *huh* wa menci...
Wouldn’t it be nice if we were older
Then we wouldn’t have to wait so long
And wouldn’t it be nice to live together
In the kind of world where we belong
You know it’s gonna make it that much better
When we can say goodnight and stay together
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could wake up
In the morning when the day is new
And after having spent the day together
Hold each other close the whole night through
Happy times together we’ve been spending
I wish that every kiss was neverending
Wouldn’t it be nice
Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray it might come true
Baby then there wouldn’t be a single thing we couldn’t do
We could be married
And then we’d be happy
Wouldn’t it be nice
You know it seems the more we talk about it
It only makes it worse to live without it
But lets talk about it
Wouldn’t it be nice
Orange Rotation
6 hours ago
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