adoi! sakit kepalak! bleh abih bekalan pil yg xpenah ayat nk wa sentuh kalo ari² camni. dan kebarangkalian yg amat besar la mmg abih! *tsk tsk* memerlukan kata² semangat nih. chaiyok.. chaiyok ke, syabbas beta ke, iPod ke kan kaklong kn. kalo sambil study, sambil mendgr dendangan lagu antu² dlm balang. mmg umph! :D
1 keje siap, projek proposal baru. nnt ade proposal presentation, documentation lg, hak ari² ngadap skrin buat projek nye tuh *aisyoo* tuh baru 1 subjek!!! lg 4 subjek yg ade projek gak tuh?! mane nk cari digicam wehhhh! sape nk blanje? kasi pinjam 4bln jek pon jd la *puhhhleaseeee* biadapZz la kolej nih. sediakn subjek yg bkn², kelengkapan xcukup *huh*
yas awal² dh blah, lps submit proposal td. wa? *isk* kesaorangan ku rasakan *sob sob srehh* mmg la biasa sorg pon. tp ari ni ari jumaat! ari yg kebiasaannye wa dh tecongok kt dpn tv kt umah, tunggu mak blk keje. tunggu abah blk bwk kopok beli kt pekan sari =P~ tp wa bkn xbleh blk ngape pon. sok blk skali ngan ajib. rase lame xjumpe dia *winduuu* cuti skolah kan. dr muazam kol 8.30am kalo xde ape aral nye. sok tunggu jek kt hentian tol sg besi tuh kn. xyah masuk tgh bandar *sesak + semak* abg ngan kak ct patut arini blk gak la, sok nk pi kenduri abg syakirin kt lancang patut nye.
td pg kakngah xonline. cuti, kata blk ktn. rasa aman kejap dunia YM wa *miahamuahaha* xde lebah bantut duk buzz² wa. tp cam bosan pon ade. biasakn pg² masing² dh membelasah dan dibelasah *abbey khamosh* ade kwn nk meluah dan diluah kan, kwn nk gelak guling² tepuk² lantai. oooo kakngah xbleh, sbb dia kt opis. nnt bos dia suh dia "blk" gelak guling² kt umah sampai bile² :D nk tegur kaklong, tatuttt... dia bz woman la these days =P ke saje buat² bz kaklong? bos duk sbelah ye... akakakaka xpe², dr ati ke ati wa buat² paham O_o
hah! nk qada' tido semlm, bleh? sakit kepalak wa...
Please remedy my confusion
And thrust me back to the day
The silence of your seclusion
Brings night into all you say
Pull me down again
And guide me into pain
I'm counting nocturnal hours
Drowned visions in haunted sleep
Faint flickering of your pure powers
Leaks out to show what you keep
Pull me down again
And guide me into...
There is failure inside
This test I can't persist
Kept back by the enigma
No criterias demanded here
Deadly patterns made my wreath
Prosperous in your ways
Pale ghost in the corner
Pouring a caress on your shoulder
Puzzled by shrewd innocence
Runs a thick tide beneath
Ushered into inner graves
Nails bleeding from the struggle
It is the end for the weak at heart
Always the same
A lullaby for the ones who've lost all
Reeling inside
My gleaming eye in your necklace reflects
Stare of primal regrets
You turn your back and you walk away
Never again
Spiralling to the ground below
Like Autumn leaves left in the wake to fade away
Waking up to your sound again
And lapse into the ways of misery
Orange Rotation
7 hours ago
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