Thursday 20 July 2006

I see dead people

*miahamuahaha* baru lps lyn 'the sixth sense'. caye x caye, tuh la 1st time tgk. citer antu tp pesal wa emo tgk citer tuh?! *tsk tsk* m.night mmg best la. kakngah, lady in the water kuar nxt week. jom?

td siang anta mak pi ktn. meeting. makin ke nk pencen, makin byk plak program nye. kursus la, kursus lg, kursus kursus kursus! wa slaku ank mithali cum driver tetap kn, ikut jek la =P mak pi meeting, wa pi umah aide. anis - "ibu sampaiiiii!!!" astaga la ank ibu sorg nih. wa yg memandang pon letih rasenye, ape lg makde yg memikul tuh kan. seb la ade ktn specialist kn, papehal dkt jek =P *simpang!!*

adam khalish. sampai umah aide tuh dlm 3p.m kot. adam tido. byk rambut bdk nih. nnt besar sket ibu belikn syampu mustika ratu ye. "kecantikan adalah hak milik setiap insan" tehee :D nnt rambut best cam ibu =P

5p.m wa gerak. anta iba blk dulu. seb baik wa ingat jln pulang *heh* bab sesat² nih, kalo xsesat tuh bkn wa namenye :D cam biasa maghrib singgah t'loh. mkn², blah.

ooh king arthur dh start. xde la best sgt, nk tgk lancelot jek =P~ ciao...


Find yourself a girl, and settle down
Live a simple life, in a quiet town

Steady, as she goes
(Steady, as she goes)

Your friends have shown a kink in the single life
You've had to much to think, now you need a wife

Steady, as she goes
(Steady, as she goes)

Well here we go again
You found yourself a friend
That knows you well
But no matter what you do
You always feel as though you tripped and fell
So steady, as she goes

When you have completed what you thought you had to do
And your blood's depleted to the point of stable glue
Then you'll get along

Settle for a world, neither up or down
Sell it to the crowd that has gathered around
Settle for a girl, neither up or down
Sell it to the crowd that has gathered around

So steady, as she goes

(Steady, as she goes)
Are you steady now?

Steady, as she goes

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