weekend yg menarik utk wa. penuh dgn pelbagai genre =P drpd drama, suka, duka, sampai seram pon ade *teng teng teng* mcm kata kaklong, pengalaman yg berwarna warni. selame ni wa kenal kaler itam je :D oh ye. scrabble? wa menang! akhirnya! *tepuk tgn* HURRAH!
wa ingat kita je ade problem itek. rupenye org lain pon ade problem yg same. lg jelas! sbb itek 2nd nye mak ngadu *wa durhaka ke ape?* nk ckp lebih² pon xsesuai. smoga jgn backfire kt wa dan wa plak yg meng-itek 1 ari nnt dh *amin* dlm erti kata lain, kalo 1 masa nnt wa xde prasaan nk meleburkn jari utk diri wa sendiri, korg tau la ngape *tgn kt dagu* haa sape itek? young jedi name darth DADER... mu a a a..
pastu makde (bkn name sbenar) *kehek!* citer kt wa mende yg xpatut wa tau, tp perlu tau. sakit kpale wa kalo pk blk. kalo itu la hasil pendapatan yg dibuat mkn minum ank bini (juga menantu), xpelik la wa dgn hasil nye *geleng kpale* mak, abah, makde, aide (juga bkn name sbenar) *miahamuahaha* cabaaa.. *urut dada* kalo x di sini, di sana. itu janji Dia =)
*bground lagu star wars* ekor, bunyi atas atap, ketuk tingkap, ikan puyu, tapak kaki, bunyi org nk bukak pintu?!! jgn biarkan hidup anda diselubungi misteri... *ngan gaya tgn skali* adehhh! masa kejadian, pucat lesi! mencicit lari. kalo sorg pi dpr, sume pi dpr. sorg naik atas, sume naik atas *muahaha* kpd SWAT team epit n jontai, mekasih sbb mengetuai operasi mengambil alatan mandi wa. tsk! kaklong dan ikan puyu la nih! xpenah wa takut camtu tau. jatuh saham wa =P
tgh ari td aide blk smule ke ktn. epit nk skolah kn. suh tuka je blk sini xmau. nk dihaiyakkk, durhaka plak kn. kakngah, kaklong, masa utk mem-vito. tuka kan je. dh slesai sume baru la ready dgr aide membebel =P nih duk ulang alik. sah² pon bila dia blk sane jd teruk *geleng kpale* weekend nnt la plak baru jumpe anis smule *cayammm* bgn pg, dia ade sbelah wa. kami membungkang tgh umah ramai² kn. "ibuuu, dia tembak org ramai mati nape?". datuk k pasang 41 citer perang lame. xde dia nangis bile bgn tgk mummy ngan umi ilang pi keje kn. anis baik =)
huh sungguh la aktif ikan puyu kt dpr tu...
And if they get me and the sun goes down into the groun
dAnd if they get me take this spike to my heart and
And if they get me and the sun goes down
And if they get me take this spike and
You put the spike in my heart
And if the sun comes up will it tear the skin right off our bones?
And then as razor sharp white teeth rip out our necks
I saw you there
Someone get me to the doctor, someone get me to a ******
Where they can pump this venom gaping hole
And you must keep your soul like a secret in your throat
And if they come and get meAnd if,
You put the spike in my heart
And if they get me and the sun goes down
And if they get me take this spike and...(come on)
Can you take this spike?
Will it fill our hearts with thoughts of endless,
Night time sky?
Can you take this spike?
Will it wash away this jet black feeling?
And now the night comes
Sets the stage for this, they come in pairs
She said,
We'll shoot back holy water like cheap whiskey
They're always there
Someone get me to the doctor, and someone call the nurse
And someone buy me roses, and someone burned the ******
We're hanging out with corpses, we're driving in this hearse
And someone save my soul tonight, please save my soul
And as these days watch over time
And as these days watch over time
And as these days watch over us tonight
I'll never let them, I'll never let them
I'll never let them hurt you now tonight
I'll never let them, I can't forget them
I'll never let them hurt you, I promise
Struck down, before our prime
Before, you got off the floor
Can you stake my heart?
Can you stake my heart?
Can you stake me before the sun goes down?
Orange Rotation
6 hours ago
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