wahh letih nye! kalo study byk² pon, sesak gak tengkorok wa *tsk tsk* mmg xrelevan langsung jadual sem nih. wa menci! projek xbuat proposal lg weh! *argh*
3-4 minggu lps wa blk ktn? weekend lps kaklong kakngah blk, kakngah kasi wa gamba adam *dlm photo album* astaga! serbuk penaik jenis ape korg pakai? sorg baby michellin, sorg tepighi junior *isk isk* mmg penyambung legasi kluarga kita la =P cume sorg tuh jek yg terbantut pertumbuhannye *ehem ehem* kecik² mummy monster dh mnunjukkan bakat monster nye tuh. miahamuahaha ade petir? xde xde :D
minggu nih ajib blk. cuti skolah kn. abg ngan kak ct pon blk *wink wink* so tiada jodoh antara wa ngan makde. next, next, nextttt week la ye wa ikut blk ktn. ckp kt anis, ibu rindu dia sebut "calamacikum" =)
dh le. #_# sakit kepalak *adei* syukur la ari senin jek wa jd student mithali. kalo ari², cian kt umi. xde org nk ajak begaduh *abhey khamosh* landing time...
Change my attempt good intentions
Crouched over
You were not there
Living in fear
But signs were not really that scarce
Obvious tears
But I will not
Hide you through this I want you to help
And please see
The bleeding heart perched on my shirt
Die, withdraw
Hide in cold sweat
Quivering lips
Ignore remorse
Naming a kid, living wasteland
This time you've tried
All that you can turning you red
Change my attempt good intentions
Should I, could I
Here we are with your obsession
Should I, could I
Crowned hopeless
The article read living wasteland
This time you've tried
All that you can turning you red but I will not
Hide you through this I want you to help
Change my attempt good intentions
Should I, could I
Here we are with your obsession
Should I, could I
Heave the silver hollow sliver
Piercing through another victim
Turn and tremble be judgmental
Ignorant to all the symbols
Blind the face with beauty paste
Eventually you'll one day know
Change my attempt good intentions
Limbs tied, skin tight
Self inflicted his perdition
Should I, could I
Change my attempt good intentions
Should I, could I
Should I, could I
Kena interrogate dengan bakal mak mertua
2 hours ago
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